Installation with CASTEP

You will need the following program components:

  1. QUIP with GAP
    • MPI-only library for linking to Castep

    • OpenMP gap_fit program

  2. CASTEP: Academic release v22 and above

  3. Python installation of hybrid-md - bundled with GAP

The two builds of QUIP are needed due to the different parallelism supported by the fitting and evaluation.

Linux - general setup

These are general instructions for a Linux machine, assuming the libraries needed for the respective packages are installed. See documentation of QUIP & CASTEP for these.

QUIP+GAP installations

Clone the code, make sure to include the subpackages as well using the –recursive flag.

# clone the QUIP repository
git clone --recursive

Build the OpenMP version for fitting

# arch: any compiler + OpenMP
export QUIP_ARCH=linux_x86_64_gfortran_openmp

# configure: build - Make sure to say yes to GAP
make config

# build: the gap_fit program
make gap_programs

# copy the executable to your desired installation directory
cp ./build/$QUIP_ARCH/gap_fit ...your bin dir...

Build an MPI library version for linking to Castep. Make sure to use the same compiler as for the Castep installation later on.

# still in the QUIP directory created above

# remember this directory for configuring CASTEP
export QUIP_ROOT=$(pwd)

# arch: any compiler + MPI
export QUIP_ARCH=linux_x86_64_gfortran_openmpi

# configure build - Make sure to say yes to GAP
make config

# build: only the library
make libquip.a


See the installation notes and documentation in your CASTEP source distribution, the relevant part for this program is the inclusion of QUIP, which you can do by specifying QUIP=system in the main Makefile plus providing the QUIP_ROOT (root directory of QUIP repo) and QUIP_ARCH (the MPI one). These can be directly placed into the Makefile of CASTEP as well to be exported for easier resume of build or rebuild later.

# make sure these are specified
QUIP := system

# example of explicitly setting the location of QUIP
export from above...
export QUIP_ARCH=linux_x86_64_gfortran_openmpi

Having set these, just build and install CASTEP.

hybrid-md Python package

Simply install in the package from source, found in the GAP/hybrid_md_package/ directory of this repo.

This is located at QUIP/src/GAP/hybrid_md_package/ if you are looking at the QUIP source downloaded above.

python -m pip install .

Archer2 cluster

These are specific and tested instructions the UK’s Archer2 computer cluster.

An important gotcha on Archer2 is that the built-in maths libraries of the compiler are linking MPI by default, which breaks the setup for the gap_fit program, so we need to build that explicitly without MPI, see below.

Edit the CASTEP Makefile to include the following

FFT := fftw3
BUILD := fast
MATHLIBS := mkl # optional

Full installation:

# create bin directory for executables
mkdir bin

# Clone QUIP
git clone --recursive --depth 1 --single-branch

# load the correct modules
module load cray-python
module switch PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu/8.1.0
module load cpe/22.04
module load cray-fftw
module load mkl/2023.0.0  # if using MKL for Castep

# step 1: Python interpreter & installation of hybrid-md
python -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

python -m pip install ./QUIP/src/GAP/hybrid_md_package/

# step 2: QUIP with MPI
export QUIP_ROOT=$(pwd)
export QUIP_ARCH=archer2_mpich
make config   # configure: build - Make sure to say yes to GAP
make libquip.a
cd ../ # back to the starting dir

# step 3. CASTEP with linking QUIP
make -j8
cp obj/linux_x86_64_gfortran10-XT--mpi/castep.mpi ../bin/
cd ../ # back to the starting dir

# step 4. Install gap_fit

# IMPORTANT!! unload comms modules -> no MPI
module load craype-network-none
module remove cray-mpich

export QUIP_ARCH=archer2_openmp
make gap_programs
cp build/archer2_openmp/gap_fit ../bin/
cd ../ # back to the starting dir