Source code for quippy.descriptors

# HQ X
# HQ X   quippy: Python interface to QUIP atomistic simulation library
# HQ X
# HQ X   Portions of this code were written by
# HQ X     Tamas K. Stenczel, James Kermode
# HQ X
# HQ X   Copyright 2019-2023
# HQ X
# HQ X   These portions of the source code are released under the GNU General
# HQ X   Public License, version 2,
# HQ X
# HQ X   If you would like to license the source code under different terms,
# HQ X   please contact James Kermode,
# HQ X
# HQ X   When using this software, please cite the following reference:
# HQ X
# HQ X
# HQ X

import quippy
from ase import Atoms
import numpy as np
from import key_val_dict_to_str, key_val_str_to_dict
from quippy.convert import get_dict_arrays

__all__ = ['Descriptor']

def convert_atoms_types_iterable_method(method):
    Decorator to transparently convert ASEAtoms objects into quippy Atoms, and
    to transparently iterate over a list of Atoms objects...

    Taken from py2 version

    def wrapper(self, at, *args, **kw):
        if isinstance(at, quippy.atoms_types_module.Atoms):
            return method(self, at, *args, **kw)
        elif isinstance(at, Atoms):
            _quip_at = quippy.convert.ase_to_quip(at,add_arrays=True)
            return method(self, _quip_at, *args, **kw)
            return [wrapper(self, atelement, *args, **kw) for atelement in at]

    return wrapper

[docs]class Descriptor: def __init__(self, args_str=None, **init_kwargs): """ Initialises Descriptor object and calculate number of dimensions and permutations. properties: - cutoff calculateable: - sizes: `n_desc, n_cross, n_index = desc.sizes(_quip_atoms)` """ if args_str is None: args_str = key_val_dict_to_str(init_kwargs) else: args_str += ' ' + key_val_dict_to_str(init_kwargs) # intialise the wrapped object and hide it from the user self._quip_descriptor = quippy.descriptors_module.descriptor(args_str) # kept for compatibility with older version # super convoluted though :D should just rethink it at some point self.n_dim = self.dimensions() self.n_perm = self.get_n_perm() def __len__(self): return self.dimensions() def dimensions(self): return self._quip_descriptor.dimensions() def get_n_perm(self): return self._quip_descriptor.n_permutations() def permutations(self): # this is equivalent to the py2 behaviour, giving an array of the permutations permutation_arr = np.zeros((self.n_dim, self.n_perm), dtype='int32', order='F') self._quip_descriptor.permutations(permutation_arr) return np.copy(permutation_arr.T, order='C') def cutoff(self): # TODO: decide if adding @property is a good idea # could be like get_cutoff() return self._quip_descriptor.cutoff() @convert_atoms_types_iterable_method def sizes(self, at, args_str=None, cutoff=None): """ Replicating the QUIP method, is used in the rest of the methods """ # calc connectivity on the atoms object with the internal one self._calc_connect(at, cutoff) mask = None if args_str is not None: args_str_dict = key_val_str_to_dict(args_str) if "atom_mask_name" in args_str_dict: try: mask = get_dict_arrays([args_str_dict["atom_mask_name"]].astype(bool) except Exception: raise KeyError n_descriptors, n_cross = self._quip_descriptor.sizes(at,mask=mask) return n_descriptors, n_cross @convert_atoms_types_iterable_method def count(self, at, args_str=None): """ Returns how many descriptors of this type are found in the Atoms object. """ # fixme: is the decorator needed now? return self.sizes(at,args_str=args_str)[0] @convert_atoms_types_iterable_method def _calc_connect(self, at, cutoff=None): """ Internal method for calculating connectivity on a quip_atoms object Ideally called only on quip_atoms object, but put in decorator to make sure :param at: :return: """ if cutoff is not None: at.set_cutoff(cutoff) else: # setting to +1 is arbitrary here, the point is to set to something a bit higher than the descriptor's if at.cutoff < self.cutoff() + 1: at.set_cutoff(self.cutoff() + 1) # TODO: add logic to skip this if it has been calculated already for speedup at.calc_connect() @convert_atoms_types_iterable_method def calc_descriptor(self, at, args_str=None, cutoff=None, **calc_kwargs): """ Calculates all descriptors of this type in the Atoms object, and returns the array of descriptor values. Does not compute gradients; use calc(at, grad=True, ...) for that. """ try: return self.calc(at, False, args_str, cutoff, **calc_kwargs)['data'] except KeyError: return [] @convert_atoms_types_iterable_method def calc(self, at, grad=False, args_str=None, cutoff=None, **calc_kwargs): """ Calculates all descriptors of this type in the Atoms object, and gradients if grad=True. Results can be accessed dictionary- or attribute-style; 'descriptor' contains descriptor values, 'descriptor_index_0based' contains the 0-based indices of the central atom(s) in each descriptor, 'grad' contains gradients, 'grad_index_0based' contains indices to gradients (descriptor, atom). Cutoffs and gradients of cutoffs are also returned. """ # arg string and calc_args if args_str is None: args_str = key_val_dict_to_str(calc_kwargs) else: # new, for compatibility: merged if both given args_str += ' ' + key_val_dict_to_str(calc_kwargs) # calc connectivity on the atoms object with the internal one self._calc_connect(at, cutoff) # descriptor calculation descriptor_out_raw = self._quip_descriptor.calc(at, do_descriptor=True, do_grad_descriptor=grad, args_str=args_str) # unpack to a list of dicts count = self.count(at, args_str=args_str) descriptor_out = dict() for i in range(count): # unpack to dict with the specific converter function mono_dict = quippy.convert.descriptor_data_mono_to_dict(descriptor_out_raw.x[i]) # add to the result for key, val in mono_dict.items(): if key in descriptor_out.keys(): descriptor_out[key].append(val) else: descriptor_out[key] = [val] # make numpy arrays out of them for key, val in descriptor_out.items(): # merge the arrays according to shape if key in ['data', 'ci']: descriptor_out[key] = np.concatenate(val, axis=0) elif key in ['covariance_cutoff', 'has_data']: descriptor_out[key] = np.array(val) elif key in ["pos", "grad_covariance_cutoff"]: # corresponds to the gradients descriptor_out[key] = np.concatenate([x.T for x in val]) elif key == "grad_data": descriptor_out[key] = np.transpose(np.concatenate(val, axis=2), axes=(2, 1, 0)) elif key == "ii": # copy cross-index into Numpy arrays (f90wrap exposes pointers) descriptor_out[key] = [np.copy(x) for x in val] if "ii" in descriptor_out.keys(): grad_index_0based = [] for idx, ii_perdesc in enumerate(descriptor_out["ii"]): for ii_item in ii_perdesc: grad_index_0based.append([descriptor_out["ci"][idx], ii_item]) # same as in py2, makes iteration of gradient easier descriptor_out["grad_index_0based"] = np.array(grad_index_0based) - 1 if count > 0: descriptor_out['data'] = descriptor_out['data'].reshape((count, -1)) else: descriptor_out['data'] = np.array([[]]) # This is a dictionary now and hence needs to be indexed as one, unlike the old version return descriptor_out