Source code for quippy.potential

# HQ X
# HQ X   quippy: Python interface to QUIP atomistic simulation library
# HQ X
# HQ X   Portions of this code were written by
# HQ X     Tamas K. Stenczel, James Kermode
# HQ X
# HQ X   Copyright 2019
# HQ X
# HQ X   These portions of the source code are released under the GNU General
# HQ X   Public License, version 2,
# HQ X
# HQ X   If you would like to license the source code under different terms,
# HQ X   please contact James Kermode,
# HQ X
# HQ X   When using this software, please cite the following reference:
# HQ X
# HQ X
# HQ X

ASE-compatible Calculator from a quip-potential object


from copy import deepcopy as cp

import ase
import ase.calculators.calculator
import numpy as np
import quippy
from import key_val_dict_to_str
from quippy.convert import set_doc

__all__ = ['Potential']

[docs]@set_doc(quippy.potential_module.__doc__, """ Pythonic interface to auto-generated quippy.potential_module.Potential class """) class Potential(ase.calculators.calculator.Calculator): callback_map = {} # this list only includes standard ASE properties. Additional non-standard # results are returned in the `extra_results` dictionary. implemented_properties = ['energy', 'free_energy', 'forces', 'stress', 'stresses', 'energies'] extra_properties = ['virial', 'local_virial', 'local_energy'] @set_doc(quippy.potential_module.Potential.__init__.__doc__, """ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ from old quippy arguments: not implemented yet: bulk_scale=None mpi_obj=None callback=None finalise=True """) def __init__(self, args_str="", pot1=None, pot2=None, param_str=None, param_filename=None, atoms=None, calculation_always_required=False, calc_args=None, add_arrays=None, add_info=None, **kwargs): quippy.potential_module.Potential.__init__.__doc__ self._default_properties = ['energy', 'forces'] self.calculation_always_required = calculation_always_required ase.calculators.calculator.Calculator.__init__(self, restart=None, label=None, atoms=atoms, directory='.', **kwargs) # init the quip potential if param_filename is not None and isinstance(param_filename, str): # from a param filename self._quip_potential = quippy.potential_module.Potential.filename_initialise(args_str=args_str, param_filename=param_filename) elif pot1 is not None and pot2 is not None: # from sum of two potentials # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._quip_potential = quippy.potential_module.Potential( args_str=args_str, pot1=(pot1._quip_potential if isinstance(pot1, quippy.potential.Potential) else pot1), pot2=(pot2._quip_potential if isinstance(pot2, quippy.potential.Potential) else pot2)) else: # from a param string self._quip_potential = quippy.potential_module.Potential(args_str=args_str, param_str=param_str) # init the quip atoms as None, to have the variable self._quip_atoms = None # init the info and array keys that need to be added when converting atoms objects self.add_arrays = add_arrays self.add_info = add_info # from old if atoms is not None: atoms.calc = self self.args_str = args_str if isinstance(calc_args, dict): calc_args = key_val_dict_to_str(calc_args) elif calc_args is None: calc_args = "" self.calc_args = calc_args # storage of non-standard results self.extra_results = {'config': {}, 'atoms': {}} # These three functions below are left in only for purposebackward compatibility, # we remember to clean it up if/when we decide ASE pre-3.23.0 isn't worth supporting. def _get_name(self): return self.name_ @property def name(self): return self._get_name() @name.setter def name(self, name): self.name_ = name
[docs] @set_doc(quippy.potential_module.Potential.calc.__doc__, """ Pythonic wrapper to `quippy.potential_module.Potential.calc()` atoms: ase.atoms.Atoms object Atoms object with which to calculate. This is converted to a `quippy.atoms_module.Atoms` object to pass to Fortran. properties: list of str List of what needs to be calculated. Can be any combination of 'energy', 'forces', 'stress', 'dipole', 'charges', 'magmom' and 'magmoms'. system_changes: list of str List of what has changed since last calculation. Can be any combination of these six: 'positions', 'numbers', 'cell', 'pbc', 'initial_charges' and 'initial_magmoms'. calc_args: argument string to pass to Fortran calc() routine. This is appended to `self.calc_args`, if this is set. add_arrays: list, str or True Arrays to carry over from `atoms.arrays` to the Fortran atoms object when calling calculate() If the same argument is filled in calculate, then it will overwrite this. String arrays not supported. possible types: None - only defaults: `pos`, `Z`, `cell`, `pbc`, `momenta` (as velo, if exists) str - single key list - all list elements as keys True - all of the arrays from `atoms.arrays` add_info: list, str or True Info to carry over from `` to the Fortran atoms object when calling calculate() If the same argument is filled in calculate, then it will overwrite this. possible types: None - only defaults: `pos`, `Z`, `cell`, `pbc`, `momenta` (as velo, if exists) str - single key list - all list elements as keys True - all of the values from `` Arrays can also be passed directly to the Fortran routine using the `forces`, `virial`, `local_energy`, `local_virial` arguments. These should be pre-allocated as Fortran-contigous arrays, e.g. `forces = np.zeros((len(atoms), 3), order='F')`. If present, `vol_per_atom` is used to convert from local_virial to per-atom stresses; this can either be a scalar or the name of an array in `atoms.arrays`. If not present the average volume per atom is used. Additional keyword arguments are appended to `calc_args`. Non-standard calculation results (such as `gap_local_variance`) are stored in `self.extra_results`. """) def calculate(self, atoms=None, properties=None, system_changes=None, forces=None, virial=None, local_energy=None, local_virial=None, vol_per_atom=None, calc_args=None, add_arrays=None, add_info=None, **kwargs): # handling the property inputs if properties is None: properties = self.get_default_properties() else: properties = list(set(self.get_default_properties() + properties)) if len(properties) == 0: raise RuntimeError('Nothing to calculate') for prop in properties: if prop not in self.implemented_properties + self.extra_properties: raise RuntimeError("Don't know how to calculate property '%s'" % prop) # initialise dictionary to arguments to be passed to calculator _dict_args = {} val = _check_arg(forces) if val == 'y': properties += ['force'] elif val == 'add': properties += ['force'] _dict_args['force'] = forces val = _check_arg(virial) if val == 'y': properties += ['virial'] elif val == 'add': properties += ['virial'] _dict_args['virial'] = virial val = _check_arg(local_energy) if val == 'y': properties += ['local_energy'] elif val == 'add': properties += ['local_energy'] _dict_args['local_energy'] = local_energy val = _check_arg(local_virial) if val == 'y': properties += ['local_virial'] elif val == 'add': properties += ['local_virial'] _dict_args['local_virial'] = local_virial # check if a calculation is needed - this must be done before we update self.atoms if not self.calculation_always_required and not self.calculation_required(atoms, properties): return # call the base class method, which updates self.atoms to atoms ase.calculators.calculator.Calculator.calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes) self.extra_results = {'config': {}, 'atoms': {}} # reset all extra results on each new calculation # construct the quip atoms object which we will use to calculate on # if add_arrays/add_info given to this object is not None, then OVERWRITES the value set in __init__ self._quip_atoms = quippy.convert.ase_to_quip(self.atoms, add_arrays=add_arrays if add_arrays is not None else self.add_arrays, add_info=add_info if add_info is not None else self.add_info) # constructing args_string with automatically aliasing the calculateable non-quippy properties # calc_args string to be passed to Fortran code args_str = self.calc_args if calc_args is not None: if isinstance(calc_args, dict): calc_args = key_val_dict_to_str(calc_args) args_str += ' ' + calc_args if kwargs is not None: args_str += ' ' + key_val_dict_to_str(kwargs) args_str += ' energy' # no need to add logic to energy, it is calculated anyways (returned when potential called) if 'virial' in properties or 'stress' in properties: args_str += ' virial' if 'local_virial' in properties or 'stresses' in properties: args_str += ' local_virial' if 'energies' in properties or 'local_energy' in properties: args_str += ' local_energy' if 'forces' in properties: args_str += ' force' # TODO: implement 'elastic_constants', 'unrelaxed_elastic_constants', 'numeric_forces' # fixme: workaround to get the calculated energy, because the wrapped dictionary is not handling that float well ener_dummy = np.zeros(1, dtype=float) # the calculation itself # print('Calling QUIP Potential.calc() with args_str "{}"'.format(args_str)) self._quip_potential.calc(self._quip_atoms, args_str=args_str, energy=ener_dummy, **_dict_args) # retrieve data from and _quip_atoms.params _quip_properties = quippy.convert.get_dict_arrays( _quip_params = quippy.convert.get_dict_arrays(self._quip_atoms.params) self.results['energy'] = ener_dummy[0] self.results['free_energy'] = self.results['energy'] # process potential output to # not handling energy here, because that is always returned by the potential above if 'virial' in _quip_params.keys(): stress = -_quip_params['virial'].copy() / self.atoms.get_volume() # convert to 6-element array in Voigt order self.results['stress'] = np.array([stress[0, 0], stress[1, 1], stress[2, 2], stress[1, 2], stress[0, 2], stress[0, 1]]) self.extra_results['config']['virial'] = _quip_params['virial'].copy() if 'force' in _quip_properties.keys(): self.results['forces'] = np.copy(_quip_properties['force'].T) if 'local_energy' in _quip_properties.keys(): self.results['energies'] = np.copy(_quip_properties['local_energy']) self.extra_results['atoms']['local_energy'] = np.copy(_quip_properties['local_energy']) if 'local_virial' in _quip_properties.keys(): self.extra_results['atoms']['local_virial'] = np.copy(_quip_properties['local_virial']) if 'stresses' in properties: # use the correct atomic volume if vol_per_atom is not None: if vol_per_atom in self.atoms.arrays.keys(): # case of reference to a column in atoms.arrays _v_atom = self.atoms.arrays[vol_per_atom] else: # try for case of a given volume try: _v_atom = float(vol_per_atom) except ValueError: # cannot convert to float, so wrong raise ValueError('volume_per_atom: not found in atoms.arrays.keys() and cannot utilise value ' 'as given atomic volume') else: # just use average _v_atom = self.atoms.get_volume() / self._quip_atoms.n self.results['stresses'] = -np.copy(_quip_properties['local_virial']).T.reshape((self._quip_atoms.n, 3, 3), order='F') / _v_atom # all non-standard results now go in self.extra_results _skip_keys = set(list(self.results.keys()) + ['Z', 'pos', 'species', 'map_shift', 'n_neighb', 'force', 'local_energy', 'local_virial', 'velo']) # any other params (per-config properties) for param, val in _quip_params.items(): if param not in _skip_keys: self.extra_results['config'][param] = cp(val) # any other arrays (per-atom properties) for prop, val in _quip_properties.items(): if prop not in _skip_keys: # transpose before copying because of setting `order=C` here; issue#151 self.extra_results['atoms'][prop] = np.copy(val.T, order='C')
def get_virial(self, atoms=None): self.get_stress(atoms) return self.extra_results['config']['virial'] def get_local_virial(self, atoms=None): self.get_stresses(atoms) return self.extra_results['atoms']['local_virial'] def get_local_energy(self, atoms=None): return self.get_energies(atoms) def get_energies(self, atoms=None): return self.get_property('energies', atoms)
[docs] def get_stresses(self, atoms=None): return self.get_property('stresses', atoms)
[docs] def get_default_properties(self): """Get the list of properties to be calculated by default""" return self._default_properties[:]
[docs] def set_default_properties(self, properties): """Set the list of properties to be calculated by default""" self._default_properties = properties[:]
def _check_arg(arg): """Checks if the argument is True bool or string meaning True""" true_strings = ('True', 'true', 'T', 't', '.true.', '.True.') if arg is None: return 'n' else: if isinstance(arg, bool): if arg: return 'y' else: return 'n' if isinstance(arg, str): if arg in true_strings: return 'y' else: return 'n' return 'add'