The following tutorials are currently available:
- Using Quippy to compute descriptors of atomic environments
- How to train a GAP model from scratch
- steps
- here we will fit twice, to see the difference between a 2b-only and a 2b+3b fit
- generating data only with ASE, using the EMT calculator
- get e0 for H and O - energies of the isolated atoms
- separate the dataset into a training and a validation set
- train our GAP model from the command line
- notice, that the script is running in parallel, using all 8 cores of the current machine
- use the potential with QUIP on trani.xyz and validate.xyz
- make simple plots of the energies and forces on the EMT and GAP datas
- train our GAP_3b model from the command line
- both training and quip takes significantly more time than the last one!!!
- use the potential with QUIP on trani.xyz and validate.xyz
- look at the outputs - clear improvement