pymatnest module¶
- ns_run.accumulate_stats(d_cumul, d)[source]
- ns_run.add_to_list(list, ind, costs, nums, walk_len_avail, first_free_slot)[source]
- ns_run.additive_init_config(at, Emax)[source]
- ns_run.adjust_step_sizes(walk_stats, movement_args, comm, do_print_rate=True, monitor_only=False)[source]
Adjust step size to keep the acceptance ratio at the desired level.
- ns_run.clean_prev_snapshot(iter)[source]
- ns_run.create_list(costs, nums, walk_len)[source]
- ns_run.do_MC_atom_velo_walk(at, movement_args, Emax, nD, KEmax)[source]
- ns_run.do_MC_atom_walk(at, movement_args, Emax, KEmax)[source]
- ns_run.do_MC_cell_shear_step(at, movement_args, Emax, KEmax)[source]
- ns_run.do_MC_cell_stretch_step(at, movement_args, Emax, KEmax)[source]
- ns_run.do_MC_cell_volume_step(at, movement_args, Emax, KEmax)[source]
- ns_run.do_MC_semi_grand_step(at, movement_args, Emax, KEmax)[source]
- ns_run.do_MC_swap_step(at, movement_args, Emax, KEmax)[source]
- ns_run.do_MD_atom_walk(at, movement_args, Emax, KEmax)[source]
perform MD walk on the configuration
- ns_run.do_atom_walk(at, movement_args, Emax, KEmax)[source]
- ns_run.do_cell_shape_walk(at, movement_args)[source]
- ns_run.do_cell_step(at, Emax, p_accept, transform)[source]
- ns_run.do_ns_loop()[source]
This is the main nested sampling loop, doing the iterations.
- ns_run.energy_internal(at)[source]
- ns_run.energy_internal_pos(pos, l)[source]
- ns_run.eval_energy(at, do_KE=True, do_PE=True)[source]
Calls appropriate functions to calculate the potential energy, kinetic energy and the p*V term.
- ns_run.eval_energy_KE(at)[source]
- ns_run.eval_energy_PE(at)[source]
- ns_run.eval_energy_PV(at)[source]
- ns_run.eval_energy_mu(at)[source]
- ns_run.eval_forces(at)[source]
- ns_run.excepthook_mpi_abort(exctype, value, tb)[source]
- ns_run.exit_error(message, stat)[source]
- ns_run.full_auto_set_stepsizes(walkers, walk_stats, movement_args, comm, Emax, KEmax, size_n_proc)[source]
Automatically set all step sizes. Returns the time (in seconds) taken for the routine to run.
- ns_run.gen_random_velo(at, KEmax, unit_rv=None)[source]
- ns_run.internal_Vlj(dr_vec, Eshift=0.0)[source]
- ns_run.main()[source]
Main function
- ns_run.max_energy(walkers, n, kinetic_only=False)[source]
Collect the current energies of the walkers from all the processes and chooses the right number of highest energies to be culled
- ns_run.min_aspect_ratio(vol, cell)[source]
- ns_run.pairwise(iterable)[source]
- ns_run.propagate_NVE_ASE(at, dt, n_steps)[source]
- ns_run.propagate_lammps(at, dt, n_steps, algo, Emax=None)[source]
- ns_run.propose_area_step(at, step_size, flat_V_prior)[source]
- ns_run.propose_shear_step(at, step_size)[source]
- ns_run.propose_stretch_step(at, step_size)[source]
- ns_run.propose_volume_step(at, step_size, flat_V_prior)[source]
- ns_run.rand_perturb_energy(energy, perturbation, Emax=None)[source]
- ns_run.rej_free_perturb_velo(at, Emax, KEmax, rotate=True)[source]
- ns_run.rotate_dir_3N(vec, max_ang)[source]
- ns_run.rotate_dir_3N_2D(vec, max_ang)[source]
- ns_run.save_snapshot(snapshot_id)[source]
Save the current walker configurations’ as a snapshot in the file
- ns_run.set_n_from_expected(prop)[source]
- ns_run.str_to_logical(x)[source]
- ns_run.usage()[source]
Print help to the standard output about the usage of the code and input parameters. The current list of parameters is the following:
¶- Maximum volume per atom allowed during the run.default: 1.0e3
¶- Minimum volume per atom allowed during the run.default: 1.0
start_species=int int [ float ] [, int int [ float ] ... ]
¶- MANDATORY (or start_config_file)Atomic number; multiplicity; [ not recommended: mass (amu) ]. Info repeated for each species, separated by commas, mass is optional and not recommended.
¶- MANDATORY (or start_species)Name of file to read in for atom informationdefault: ‘’
- ``keep_atoms_fixed=int ``¶
- Number of atoms to fix in surface simulation.
- ``apply_Z_wall=[T|F] ``¶
- Whether to have a boundary in the Z direction to keep free particles reaching the other side of “surface” layer due to periodic boundary conditions.This functionality is not fully tested! Recommended use with MC evaluator and fortran. If constructing a surface layer, make it parallel to the XY plane and set the X dimension with the “wall” taken into account, no atoms should violate the wall restriction initially!!!If True, the wall is set at 10 angstroms below the top of the simulation cell.
¶- File for restart configs. Mutually exclusive with
, one is required. The file should contain the state of the walkers to continue from along with the restart iteration number. Normally such a file can be the concatenated snapshot files. n_walkers=int
¶- MANDATORYTotal number of walkers, i.e. the size of the live set used. It has to be the multiple of the number of processors used and it also has to be larger than the number of processors.
¶- Number of walkers to kill at each NS iteration. Use of default 1 is strongly recommended.deafult: 1
¶- default: 0
¶- MANDATORYNumber of nested sampling iteration cycles performed per walker. Thus the total number of iterations will be
. Either this orconverge_down_to_T
is required. converge_down_to_T=flot
¶- MANDATORYtemperature down to which Z(T) should be converged. Either this or
is required. T_estimate_finite_diff_lag=int
¶- default: 1000Lag (in iterations) for doing d log Omega / d E finite difference derivative
¶- Termination condition based on Emax: if this value is reached, the iteration will stop.No default.
¶- String used as prefix for the different output files.No default.
energy_calculator= ( ASE | lammps | internal | fortran)
¶- Energy calculator.default: fortran
¶- Amount of extra data per atom to pass around.default: 0
¶- If > 0, maximum temperature for estimating KEmax. For constant P ensemble 3/2 P Vmax will be used if KEmax_max_T is < 0.default: -1
¶- Boltzmann constantdefault: 8.6173324e-5 (eV/A)
¶- Maximum potential energy per atom for initial configurations. P*Vmax is added to this automatically in case of NpT runs.default: 1.0e9
. Maximum potential energy for initial configurations. P*Vmax is added to this automatically in case of NpT runs.default: 1.0e9 random_init_max_n_tries=int
¶- Maximum number of tries to create initial random atomic configurationdefault 100
¶- Total number of model calls performed during the random walk, expected by the user. The actual number of model calls performed during runtime can be different: this number is divided up among the processors in case of running parallel, and in order to make sure different processors perform about the same number of calls, it can be increased for some. (It is recommended to use n_model_calls_expected/[number of processors] > 20) Either this or the keyword
is mandatory, but the use of this keyword is strongly recommended. If < 0, value will be set to _sum_ of each type of steps (accounting for atom_traj_len), son_*_steps
will be setting the _number_ of calls, rather than just the ratios.default: 0 n_model_calls=int
¶- Number of model calls performed during the random walk. This is the actual number of calls performed, ideally the program sets its value depending on n_model_calls_expected and the number of processors used. Either this or the keyword
is mandatory, though the usage of the latter is strongly recommended.default: 0 do_good_load_balance=[T | F]
¶- Whether to do steps in groups with good load balancedefault: F
¶- Ratio of atomic trajectories will be determined by
).default: 1 atom_traj_len=int
¶- Length of atomic trajectory (MD steps or MC sweeps) in each atomic type step.default: 8
¶- Multiplier for cost of an atomic step (set to 1 for MD, TE-HMC, and SP-MC with O(1) cost moves, N for naive SP-MC)default: 1
break_up_atom_traj=[T | F]
¶- Whether to intersperse
atomic sub-trajectories with other types of steps.default: F n_cell_volume_steps=int
¶- Ratio of cell volume steps will be determined by
).default: 1 n_cell_shear_steps=int
¶- Ratio of cell shear steps will be determined by
).default: 1 n_cell_stretch_steps=int
¶- Ratio of cell stretch steps will be determined by
).default: 1 n_swap_steps=int
¶- Ratio of species swap steps will be determined by
). It has to be set other than zero for a multicomponent system.default: 0 swap_max_cluster=int
¶- Maximum size of interconnected cluster to try to swap.default: 1
¶- Cutoff radius for defining connected atoms for cluster.default: 2.5
¶- Factor between prob. of picking increasing larger clusters.default: 0.75
swap_velo=[T | F]
¶- If true, swap velocities when swapping atoms, breaking coherence a bit.default: F
no_swap_velo_fix_mag_alt=[T | F]
¶- If true, use alternate method for correcting velocity magnitudes when not swapping velocities.default: F
¶- Ratio of species type-change steps will be determined by
). Only makes sense for a multicomponent system.default: 0 - ``semi_grand_potentials=Z1¶
- Chemical potentials for semi-grand canonical species-type transmutationsdefault: ‘’
¶- Number of MC steps in (optional) explicit velocity MC trajectory.default: 0
¶- default: 1.0e-12
atom_algorithm=[MC | MD | GMC]
¶- MANDATORYUse either Monte Carlo or Molecular dynamics to explore. GMC is an alias for atom_algorithm=MC, MC_atom_Galilean=True.
MC_atom_velocities=[T | F]
¶- This keyword is supported only for energy_calculator=fortran.default: F
MC_atom_velocities_pre_perturb=[T | F]
¶- Perturb velocities (rejection free) before MC + velocities walk.default: F
¶- Initial atom move step size in units of (max_volume_per_atom * N_atoms)^(1/3)default: 1.0
¶- Maximum atom step size in units of (max_volume_per_atom * N_atoms)^(1/3).default: 1.0
MC_atom_uniform_rv=[T | F]
¶- default: F
MC_atom_Galilean=[T | F]
¶- default: F
GMC_no_reverse=[T | F]
¶- default: T
MD_atom_velo_pre_perturb=[T | F]
¶- Perturb velocities before MD trajectorydefault: F
MD_atom_velo_post_perturb=[T | F]
¶- Perturb velocities after MD trajectorydefault: T
MD_atom_velo_flip_accept=[T | F]
¶- default: F
¶- default: 0.1 (ASE time units)
¶- default: 2.0 (ASE time units)
¶- Tolerance for rejecting non-energy conserving trajectories, as fraction of Kinetic Energydefault: 1.0e-2
MD_atom_reject_energy_violation=[ T | F ]
¶- Use energy conservation violation (exceeding MD_atom_energy_fuzz * KE) to reject MD trajectories.default: F
python_MD=[ T | F ]
¶- Do MD using python code rather than underlying driverdefault: F
atom_velo_rej_free_fully_randomize=[T | F]
¶- If true, randomize velocities completely rather than just perturbing.default: F
¶- Max angle in radians for random rotations.default: 0.3
¶- default: 50.0
¶- default: 10000.0
MC_atom_velo_walk_rej_free=[T | F]
¶- default: T. If true, use rejection free algorithm for MC_atom_walk
¶- Pressure value to be used. The unit of pressure depends on both the energy calculator and on the potential model used. Note that ASE useseV as energy and Angstrom as distance units everywhere, thus this case the pressure in the input have to be eV/Angstrom^3 (in case of using LAMMPSthe lammpslib module will convert the units for lammps to whatever units are set by the potential type)default: 0.0
MC_cell_flat_V_prior=[T | F]
¶- Flat prior for V (use with MC_cell_P=0 and cell moves, requires reweighting configurations when analyzing)POORLY TESTED, DO NOT TRUST (YET).default: F
¶- Initial volume stepsize for volume change.default: 5% of the maximum allowed volume
¶- Maximum allowed volume step size.default: 50% of the maximum allowed volume
¶- default: 1.0
¶- default: 0.1
¶- default: 1.0
¶- default: 1.0
¶- default: 0.1, in units of (max_volume_per_atom * N_atoms)^(1/3)
¶- default: 1.0, in units of (max_volume_per_atom * N_atoms)^(1/3)
¶- default: 1.0
¶- Smallest allowed distance between parallel faces for cell normalised to unit volume. A higher value of
restricts the system to more cube-like cell shapes, while a low value allows the system to become essentially flat. In case of 64 atoms the use ofMC_cell_min_aspect_ratio
< 0.65 does effect the melting transition.default: 0.8 cell_shape_equil_steps=int
¶- default: 1000
full_auto_step_sizes=[T | F]
¶- If true (T), automatically calibrate all sizes by performing additional short explorations, including at the start of run. If false (F), use initial input step sizes and make small adjustments to these during the run.default: T
¶- Divided by
to get actual monitoring interval in iterations, negative for only using last iteration, 0 for no monitoringdefault: 1 adjust_step_interval_times_fraction_killed=float
¶- Divided by
to get actual step adjustment interval in iterations, negative for only using last iteration, 0 for no adjust.default: 1 MC_adjust_step_factor=float
¶- default: 1.1
¶- default: 0.25
¶- default: 0.75
¶- default: 0.25
¶- default: 0.75
¶- default: -1.0
¶- default: 0.0
¶- default: 1.1
¶- default: 0.5
¶- default: 0.95
¶- MANDATORY if energy_calculator=ASE
¶- MANDATORY if energy_calculator=fortran
¶- parameters (optional) for fortran model
LAMMPS_fix_gmc=[T | F]
¶- default: F
¶- MANDATORY if energy_calculator=lammps
¶- ‘’, arch name for lammps shared object file
LAMMPS_serial=[T | F]
¶- default True, lammps library is serial so do not pass COMM_SELF as a communicator
¶- value default, override header commands for energy_calculator=lammps
¶- ‘’, extra header commands for energy_calculator=lammps
¶- MANDATORY if energy_calculator=lammpsatomic_symbol1 lammps_type1 [, atomic_symbol2 lammps_type2, …]mapping between atom species and lammps potential types
¶- File format in which configurations are printed, e.g. for trajectory and snapshot files.default: extxyz
rng=( numpy | internal | rngstream )
¶- Random number generator.default: numpy
¶- default: -1
2D=[ T | F ]
¶- Perform 2D simulation. Some functionality may be limited with this option!The 2D area is in the xy plane, the z axis stays constant during the simulation (set its value using the keyword
).The maximum allowed volume is still defined as volume in this case!If constant pressure is set, the p*V term is now p*A*Z_cell_axis, thus set the MC_cell_P parameter multiplied by 1/Z_cell_axis.default: F Z_cell_axis=float
¶- Only used if 2D=T. Value of the Z cell axis, perpendicular to the area in case of a 2D simulation.This stays constant during the simulation.default: 10.0
¶- Verbosity level used in the output file. The larger its value the more info is printed.default: 0
¶- Iteration interval at which a snapshot is created: every process prints out its current walkers in extended xyz format. If it is set <=0, no snapshots will be printed except the final positions at the end of the nested sampling run. Note that when new snapshots are printed, the previous set is deleted. The snapshot files are convenient source to see how the sampling progresses, but these are also the basis to restart a sampling! When using restart, the walkers will be read from these files.default: 10000
¶- Max time between snapshots in secondsdefault: 3600
snapshot_per_parallel_task=[ T | F ]
¶- Save a separate snapshot file for each parallel task. Faster I/O (in parallel), but less convenient in some cases.default: T
snapshot_clean=[ T | F ]
¶- If true, delete previous iteration snapshot filesdefault: T
random_initialise_pos=[ T | F ]
¶- If true, randomize the initial positionsdefault: T
random_initialise_cell=[ T | F ]
¶- If true, randomize the initial cell (currently by random walk)default: T
LAMMPS_molecular_info=[ T | F ]
¶- If true, create lammps bonds and other molecular MM features from initial atoms config (e.g. can be read from a file)default: T
¶- number of initial random walks to apply to all walkersdefault: ‘’
¶- in initial walks, interval between walks for adjusting step sizedefault: ‘’
¶- offset (per atom) to increase Emax during initial random walk applied to all walkersdefault: 1.0
initial_walk_only=[T | F]
¶- do initial walk only, then quitdefault: F
¶- Iteration interval at which the currently culled configuration(s) is/are printed to the trajectory output, in the set format. If it is set <=0, no trajectory files will be printed at all. Useful option for larger runs as the trajectory files can become huge.default: 100
¶- Random number seed to be used in the run. If smaller than 0, a seed from /dev/urandom is used.default: -1
no_extra_walks_at_all=[ T | F ]
¶- default: F
track_configs=[ T | F ]
¶- Track configrations across all walks/clones.default: F
track_configs_write=[ T | F ]
¶- Write tracked configrations to a file (if false, tracking info will still be in snapshot and traj files)default: F
¶- Analyzers to apply during run. String consists of semicolon separated pairs of module name and intervals. Module names correspond to analysis modules in NS_PATH/ns_run_analyzers (see there for examples) or elsewhere in PYTHONPATHPositive interval refers to NS loop, negative to initial walksdefault:’’
¶- Optional input to add additional rejection criteria when initially generating walkers. If any nearest neighbour distances are less than this length, given in Angstroms, the walker is rejected.default: 0.0
calc_nn_dis=[ T | F ]
¶- While you can set the min_nn_dis to add an additional rejection criteria to the initial walker generation, you can use this keyword to keep the rejection criteria on throughout the sampling. This does increase the calculation time of a run and scales exponentially with the number of atoms.default: F
- ns_run.velo_rv_mag(n)[source]
- ns_run.velo_unit_rv(n)[source]
- ns_run.walk_single_walker(at, movement_args, Emax, KEmax)[source]
Do random walk on a single atoms object.
- ns_run.zero_stats(d, movement_args)[source]