Scheduler Configuration file#
The description of the available systems and associated resources is in a config.json
File format#
The top level structure is a single dict. Most of the content is in the "systems"
key, which contains
a dict value. The “systems” dict contains
one key-value pair for each system. The key is the name of the system (used to select
the system when evaluating the function). See expyre.System
docstring for full list. The
value is a dict with the following keys:
: string hostname, with optionalusername@`, or ``null
for localhost without ssh."scheduler"
: string indicating type of scheduler, currently"slurm"
: optional list(str) with commands to run at beginning of every script on system, usually for things that set up the runtime such as environment modules (e.g.module load vasp
: list(str) queuing system header lines. Actual header is created by applying string formatting, i.e.str.format(**node_dict)
, replacing substrings such as{num_nodes}
. Normally added to default header which sets job name, max time, node number, and stdout/stderr files.rundir
: str, optional, default"run_expyre"
. Place for all remote files and remote execution.no_default_header
: bool, optional, defaultFalse
. Do not put default lines (such as#$ -cwd
or automatically setting the job name) to the job submission script."remsh_cmd"
: optional string remote shell command, default"ssh"
: string for a path where the remote jobs should be run"partitions"
: dict with partitions/queues/node-type names as keys and dict of node properties as values.
In addition, there is an optional “remote_rundir_submit_hostname” which overrides the hostname used when constructing the remote rundir, for use by people who run their scripts from different hostnames, e.g. multiple HPC login nodes. Because the hostname is embedded into the remote rundir, if the script run that submits the job and the script run that gathers the results are run on machines with different hostnames, the second run will look in a different remote rundir, and not find the remote rundir.
Node property dict includes#
: int number of cores per node"max_time"
: max time, int for seconds, str for"<N>[smhd]"
(case insensitive) or"<dd>-<hh>:<mm>:<ss>"
. Leading parts are optional, so N1:N2 is N1 minutes + N2 seconds."max_mem"
: max mem per node, int for kB, str for"<N>[kmgt]b?"
(case insensitive).
format() keys used in header#
Available keys in node_dict
which are normally used in this template:
: int total number of nodes"num_cores"
: int total number of cores"num_cores_per_node"
: int number of cores per node"partition"
: name of partition (or queue), frompartitions
dict keys, of specified explicitly in corresponding value dict
Note that if partial_node=True
is passed to find_nodes
and the total number of cores is less
than the number per node, num_cores
and num_cores_per_node
are not rounded up to an entire node.
Additional keys that are generally only used by the internally generated parts of the header:
: str (supposed to be guaranteed to be unique among current jobs within project) job id"max_time_HMS"
: str max runtime inhours:minutes:seconds
Configuration file location and project scope#
The expyre
root dir is the location of the jobs database and staging directories for each function call.
By setting this appropriately the namespace associated with different projects can be separated.
env var is set, it is used as location for config.json
as well as the expyre
If it is not set, then $HOME/.expyre
is first read, then starting from $CWD/_expyre
and going up
one directory at a time. The expyre root is the directory closest to $CWD
which contains a _expyre
subdirectory. The configuration consists of the content of $HOME/.expyre/config.json
, modified by any
entries that are present in <dir>/_expyre/config.json
(with home_systems[sys_name].dict.update(local_systems[sys_name])
on the dict associated with each
system). New systems are added, and a system dict value of null
removes the system. Currently within
each system each key-value pair is overwritten, so you cannot directly disable one partition, only redefine
the entire "partitions"
Default header lines#
Below are the default headder lines added to every submission script. Values between curly brackets get filled in from Resources dictionary.
#SBATCH --job-name={id}
#SBATCH --partition={partition}
#SBATCH --time={max_time}
#SBATCH --output=job.{id}.stdout
#SBATCH --error=job.{id}.stderr
Sun Grid Engine#
#$ -N N_{id}
#$ -q {partition}
#$ -l h_rt={max_time}
#$ -o job.{id}.stdout
#$ -e job.{id}.stderr
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -r n
#$ -cwd
#PBS -N N_{id}
#PBS -q {partition}
#PBS -l walltime={max_time}
#PBS -o job.{id}.stdout
#PBS -e job.{id}.stderr
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -r n
config.json example#
{ "systems": {
"local": { "host": "localhost",
"remsh_cmd": "/usr/bin/ssh",
"scheduler": "slurm",
"commands": [ "module purge", "module load python/3 compilers/gnu lapack ase quip vasp" ],
"header": ["#SBATCH --nodes={num_nodes}",
"#SBATCH --ntasks={num_cores}",
"#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node={num_cores_per_node}"],
"partitions": { "node16_old,node16_new": { "num_cores" : 16, "max_time" : null, "max_mem" : "60GB" },
"node36": { "num_cores" : 36, "max_time" : null, "max_mem" : "180GB" },
"node32": { "num_cores" : 32, "max_time" : null, "max_mem" : "180GB" },
"node56_bigmem": { "num_cores" : 56, "max_time" : "48:00:00", "max_mem" : "1500GB" },
"node72_bigmem": { "num_cores" : 72, "max_time" : "48h", "max_mem" : "1500GB" }
For this system:
Connect with
to localhostuse slurm commands to submit jobs
do some env mod stuff in each job before running task
use built-in header for job name, partition, time, stdout/stderr, and + specified 3 lines to select number of nodes
- define 5 partitions (names in slurm
format), with varying numbers of cores, memory, and time limit on the two
ones (same time, specified in different formats as an example).
- define 5 partitions (names in slurm