

Argument for ExPyRe.start(). Specifies the resources to be allocated for each remotely submitted job. The fomrat is:

  • "max_time": maximum runtime. int for seconds, str for “<N>[smhd]” (case insensitive) or <dd>-<hh>:<mm>:<ss> (with leading parts optional, so N1:N2 is N1 minutes + N2 seconds)

  • "num_nodes": int number of nodes (mutually exclusive with num_cores)

  • "num_cores": int number of cores (mutually exclusive with num_nodes)

  • "partitions": str or list(str) with regexps that match entire partition names (see section on Configuration)

Additional possible keys

  • "max_mem_tot": max memory for entire job. int for kB, str for “<N>[kmgt]b?” (case insensitive) (mutually exclusive with max_mem_per_core)

  • "max_mem_per_core": max memory per core. int for kB, str for “<N>[kmgt]b?” (case insensitive). (mutually exclusive with max_mem_tot)

For clusters that do not operate in node-exclusive way (multiple jobs with a handful of cores each may run on the same node) it might be useful to set partial_node=True in Expyre.start(). This allows to select partitions that wouldn’t have all their cores filled by the submitted job.