Environment Variables#

At expyre runtime#

  • EXPYRE_RETRY: ‘n t’ number of tries n and wait time in seconds t if subprocess run fails, default ‘3 5’

  • EXPYRE_ROOT: override path to root directory for config.json, JobsDB, and stage directories

  • EXPYRE_RSH: default remote shell command if not specified in system configuration, overall default ssh

  • EXPYRE_SYS: default system to start remote functions on, if not specified in call to ExPyRe.start()

  • EXPYRE_TIMING_VERBOSE: print trace (to stderr) with timing info to determine what operation is taking time

Available in submitted job scripts#




Only for pytest#

  • EXPYRE_PYTEST_SSH: path to ssh to use (instead of /usr/bin/ssh) in pytest test_subprocess.py (all higher level tests use remsh_cmd item for system in config.json

  • EXPYRE_PYTEST_SYSTEMS: regexp to use to filter systems from those available in $HOME/.expyre/config.json

  • EXPYRE_PYTEST_QUEUED_JOB_RESOURCES: JSON or filename with JSON that defines a dict with system names as keys and arrays as values. Each array has two dicts, each with Resources kwargs so that first one is a small job that runs for a substantial amount of time, and second one is large enough that it’s guaranteed to be queued (not running) once the first has been submitted (e.g. using _all_ available nodes).