Source code for expyre.config
"""configuration for expyre from ``config.json``. Use env var ``EXPYRE_ROOT`` if set.
Otherwise (or if env var is set to ``@``), search from ``HOME`` (or ``/``, if current
dir is not below ``HOME``) down to current directory for ``.expyre`` or ``_expyre``.
Configuration is parsed in the same order, with deeper directories modifying previous
ones. ``local_stage_dir`` is set to deepest directory unless it is set explicitly
in one of the found ``config.json`` files.
Global variables
local_stage_dir: str
path of directory to stage jobs into
systems: dict
dict of expyre.system.System that jobs can run on
db: JobsDB
expyre.jobsdb.JobsDB database of jobs
import sys
import os
import json
from pathlib import Path
from copy import deepcopy
[docs]def update_dict_leaves(d, d_loc):
for k_loc, v_loc in d_loc.items():
if v_loc == "_DELETE_" and k_loc in d:
del d[k_loc]
elif k_loc not in d:
# create new
d[k_loc] = deepcopy(v_loc)
# override
if isinstance(v_loc, dict):
# dict, override leaves inside
assert isinstance(d[k_loc], dict)
update_dict_leaves(d[k_loc], v_loc)
# not dict, overwrite
d[k_loc] = deepcopy(v_loc)
# read config.json file from expyre root (~/.expyre or EXPYRE_ROOT),
# and save important parts (root, systems, db) as symbols in this module
def _get_config(root_dir, verbose=False):
"""get configuration from root dir
if root_dir == "@":
if verbose: print("Searching directories")
# search the path
dirs = []
cur_dir = Path.cwd()
while True:
if (cur_dir / ".expyre").exists():
if (cur_dir / "_expyre").exists():
raise RuntimeError(f"Found both .expyre and _expyre in {cur_dir}")
dirs.append(cur_dir / ".expyre")
elif (cur_dir / "_expyre").exists():
if (cur_dir / ".expyre").exists():
raise RuntimeError(f"Found both .expyre and _expyre in {cur_dir}")
dirs.append(cur_dir / "_expyre")
if cur_dir.parent == cur_dir or cur_dir.absolute() == Path.home().absolute():
# reached ~ or /
cur_dir = cur_dir.parent
dirs = list(reversed(dirs))
if verbose: print("Exact directory", root_dir)
root_dir = Path(root_dir)
if not root_dir.is_dir():
raise ValueError(f"expyre root {root_dir} is not a dir")
dirs = [root_dir]
if verbose: print("Using directories", dirs)
config_data = {}
for cur_dir in dirs:
if verbose: print(f"Updating dict checking {cur_dir}")
if (cur_dir / "config.json").exists():
with open(cur_dir / "config.json") as fin:
d_loc = json.load(fin)
update_dict_leaves(config_data, d_loc)
if len(config_data) == 0:
raise FileNotFoundError('Failed to find any config.json file')
# use explicitly specified local_stage_dir, otherwise deepest config dir
local_stage_dir = Path(config_data.get("local_stage_dir", dirs[-1]))
return local_stage_dir, config_data
local_stage_dir = None
systems = None
db = None
[docs]def init(root_dir, verbose=False):
"""Initializes ``root``, ``systems``, ``db``"""
import os
from .units import time_to_sec, mem_to_kB
from .system import System
from .jobsdb import JobsDB
global local_stage_dir, systems, db
local_stage_dir, _config_data = _get_config(root_dir, verbose=verbose)
except FileNotFoundError:
local_stage_dir = None
systems = {}
db = None
if == '.expyre' or == '_expyre':
use_local_stage_dir = local_stage_dir.parent
use_local_stage_dir = local_stage_dir
hostname_use = _config_data.get('remote_rundir_submit_hostname', os.environ.get('HOSTNAME', 'unknown_host'))
_rundir_extra = hostname_use + '-' + str(use_local_stage_dir).replace('/', '_')
systems = {}
for _sys_name in _config_data['systems']:
_sys_data = _config_data['systems'][_sys_name]
if 'queues' in _sys_data:
if 'partitions' in _sys_data:
raise ValueError("config systems data contains both partitions and queues")
_sys_data['partitions'] = _sys_data.pop('queues')
if _sys_data['partitions'] is not None:
for _partitions in _sys_data['partitions']:
_sys_data['partitions'][_partitions]['max_time'] = time_to_sec(_sys_data['partitions'][_partitions]['max_time'])
_sys_data['partitions'][_partitions]['max_mem'] = mem_to_kB(_sys_data['partitions'][_partitions]['max_mem'])
systems[_sys_name] = System(rundir_extra=_rundir_extra, **_sys_data)
db = JobsDB(local_stage_dir / 'jobs.db')
if verbose:
sys.stderr.write(f'expyre config got systems {list(systems.keys())}\n')
if 'pytest' not in sys.modules:
init(os.environ.get("EXPYRE_ROOT", "@"))