"""Interface for remotely running python functions. It pickles the function and
its arguments, stages files (pickles as well as additional requested input files)
to a local directory, submits to remote System (which stages out inputs, submits
on remote queuing system, and stages outputs back in), and then unpickles results
to return function result. It also creates/updates the JobsDB entry for the job
as it does these steps.
Possible status (see JobsDB): created, submitted, started, succeeded/failed, processed, cleaned
import sys
import os
import time
import itertools
import re
import warnings
import shutil
import tempfile
# use dill if available so that things like lambdas can be pickled
import dill as pickle
import pickle
import hashlib
import base64
from pathlib import Path
from . import config
from .subprocess import subprocess_run
from .resources import Resources
from .jobsdb import JobsDB
from .units import time_to_sec
[docs]class ExPyReJobDiedError(Exception):
"""Exception that is raised when ExPyRe remote job appears to have been killed
for reasons other than the python process raising an exception, e.g. if it was
out of time in the queuing system.
[docs]class ExPyReTimeoutError(TimeoutError):
"""Exception raised when ExPyRe gave up waiting for a job to finish because it
exceeded the timeout value
[docs]class ExPyRe:
Create Queued Remote Function object, pickles function and inputs, stores files
in local stage dir, and adds to job database.
name: str
name of job
input_files: list(str | Path), optional
input files that function will need. Relative paths without '..' path components
files will be copied to same path relative to remote rundir on remote machine.
Absolute paths will result in files copied into top level remote rundir
env_vars: list(str), optional
list of env vars to set in remote queuing script
pre_run_commands: list(str), optional
list of commands, one per line, to run at start of remote queuing script, after commands
in config.json that are used for system
post_run_commands: list(str), optional
list of commands, one per line, to run at end of remote queuing script, after actual task
output_files: list(str), optional
output files to be copied back after evaluation is done
try_restart_from_prev: bool, default True
try to restart from previous call, based on hash of function, arguments, and input files
hash_ignore: list(int or str), optional
args elements (int) or kwargs items (str) to ignore when making hash to determine if run is
identical to some previous one
function: Callable
function to call
args: list
positional arguments to function
kwargs: dict
keyword arguments to function
_from_db_info: dict, optional (intended for internal use)
restart is from db, and dict contains special arguments: remote_id, system_name, status, stage_dir
Possible status (see JobsDB): created, submitted, started, succeeded/failed/died, processed, cleaned
def __init__(self, name, *, input_files=[], env_vars=[], pre_run_commands=[], post_run_commands=[],
output_files=[], try_restart_from_prev=True, hash_ignore=[],
function=None, args=[], kwargs={},
if len(config.systems) == 0 or config.db is None:
raise RuntimeError('Configuration file was not found, ExPyRe object cannot be created')
# name will be used as part of path, can't have a few special things
assert ('/' not in name and '[' not in name and ']' not in name and
'{' not in name and '}' not in name and '*' not in name and '\\' not in name)
if 'EXPYRE_TIMING_VERBOSE' in os.environ:
sys.stderr.write(f'ExPyRe {name} constructor start {time.time()}\n')
# arguments that are used when creating from a database entry
if _from_db_info is not None:
self.remote_id = _from_db_info['remote_id']
self.system_name = _from_db_info['system_name']
self.status = _from_db_info['status']
self.stage_dir = Path(_from_db_info['stage_dir'])
assert function is not None
self.remote_id = None
self.system_name = None
self.status = 'created'
# self.stage_dir is set below
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
input_files = [Path(f) for f in input_files]
env_vars = env_vars.copy()
pre_run_commands = pre_run_commands.copy()
post_run_commands = post_run_commands.copy()
# check for valid input/output filenames
for f in input_files:
if not f.is_absolute() and any([p == '..' for p in f.parts]):
raise ValueError(f'Input path with ".." in input file "{f}" not supported')
for f in output_files:
if f.startswith('/'):
raise ValueError(f'Absolute output path "{f}" not supported')
# pickle function and arguments
pickled_func = pickle.dumps((function, args, kwargs))
if 'EXPYRE_TIMING_VERBOSE' in os.environ:
sys.stderr.write(f'ExPyRe {name} constructor starting hash {time.time()}\n')
# hash for unique identifier
h = hashlib.sha256()
# hash on function
h.update((function.__module__ + function.__name__).encode())
# hash on args, possibly ignoring some
assert all([isinstance(arg, (int, str)) for arg in hash_ignore])
for arg_i, arg in enumerate(args):
if arg_i not in hash_ignore:
for arg_key in sorted(list(kwargs)):
if arg_key not in hash_ignore:
h.update(pickle.dumps((arg_key, kwargs[arg_key])))
# hash on input filenames and content
for infile in input_files:
subfiles = [infile]
if infile.is_dir():
subfiles += sorted(infile.rglob('*'))
for subfile in subfiles:
# filename
if subfile.is_file():
# file contents
with open(subfile, 'rb') as fin:
# create deterministic unique identifier that can be part of filename
arghash = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(h.digest()).decode()
self.recreated = False
# check if this task was successfully run before with matching id (name + arghash)
if try_restart_from_prev:
# NOTE: following loop will not match status == 'processed' because such jobs are
# not guaranteed to have results available. Is it a good idea to try to use those,
# if results actually seem to be available?
for job in config.db.jobs(status='can_produce_results', id=re.escape(f'{name}_{arghash}') + '_.*'):
old_stage_dir = Path(job['from_dir'])
# this also never happen
if job['status'] == 'succeeded' and not (old_stage_dir / '_expyre_job_succeeded').exists():
raise RuntimeError(f'Found previously run job with matching id "{job["id"]}" '
f'and status{job["status"]} but _succeeded file does not exist')
# confirm that name is consistent, which it has to be since it's part of id
assert name == job['name']
# reconstruct job
self.stage_dir = old_stage_dir
# confirm that JobsDB id and self.id match, as they must be since self.id
# is derived from self.stage_dir (that's why self.stage_dir has to be set
# first) but they are stored separately in JobsDB
assert self.id == job['id']
# save remaining attributes
self.status = job['status']
self.remote_id = job['remote_id']
self.system_name = job['system']
# set flag in case later routines need to treat it specially
self.recreated = True
# didn't find an old run, need to create new and unique stage dir
self.stage_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=f'run_{name}_{arghash}_', dir=config.local_stage_dir))
# id is property derived from stage dir, so it is also unique
if 'EXPYRE_TIMING_VERBOSE' in os.environ:
sys.stderr.write(f'ExPyRe {name} constructor starting pickle {time.time()}\n')
# write pickled function and arguments
with open(self.stage_dir / '_expyre_task_in.pckl', 'wb') as fout:
if len(output_files) > 0:
with open(self.stage_dir / '_expyre_output_files', 'w') as fout:
fout.write('\n'.join(output_files) + '\n')
if 'EXPYRE_TIMING_VERBOSE' in os.environ:
sys.stderr.write(f'ExPyRe {name} constructor starting stage in files {time.time()}\n')
# stage in input files
# NOTE: does this require more thought?
for f in input_files:
if f.is_absolute():
# copy absolute path into stage_dir stripping all leading components
ExPyRe._copy(None, self.stage_dir, f)
ExPyRe._copy(Path.cwd(), self.stage_dir, f)
sys.stderr.write(f'ExPyRe {name} constructor done stage in files {time.time()}\n')
# script commands to touch file indicating job has started
pre_run_commands = ['touch _expyre_job_started', '('] + pre_run_commands
# commands to set extra remote env vars
for env_var in env_vars:
if '=' in env_var:
# form is already var=value
pre_run_commands.append(f'export {env_var}')
# get value from current environment
pre_run_commands.append(f'export {env_var}={os.environ["env_var"]}')
# save to file in stage dir
with open(self.stage_dir / '_expyre_pre_run_commands', 'w') as fout:
fout.write('\n'.join(pre_run_commands) + '\n')
# Below always write to temporary file and then mv to try to make creation of final files more atomic
# create core of remote job script
with open(self.stage_dir / '_expyre_script_core.py', 'w') as fout:
' import pickle, traceback, sys\n'
' with open("_expyre_task_in.pckl", "rb") as fin:\n'
' (function, args, kwargs) = pickle.load(fin)\n'
' stdout_orig = sys.stdout\n'
' stderr_orig = sys.stderr\n'
' sys.stdout = open("_expyre_stdout", "w")\n'
' sys.stderr = open("_expyre_stderr", "w")\n'
' results = function(*args, **kwargs)\n'
' sys.stdout = stdout_orig\n'
' sys.stderr = stderr_orig\n'
' with open(f"_tmp_expyre_job_succeeded", "wb") as fout:\n'
' pickle.dump(results, fout)\n'
'except Exception as exc:\n'
' with open(f"_expyre_exception", "wb") as fout:\n'
' pickle.dump(exc, fout)\n'
' with open(f"_expyre_error", "w") as fout:\n'
' fout.write(f"Exception: {exc}\\n")\n'
' traceback.print_exc(file=fout)\n'
' raise\n')
# commands to check status and create final _succeeded or _error files
post_run_commands = (['error_stat=$?'] + post_run_commands +
['exit $error_stat', ')',
'if [ $error_stat == 0 ]; then',
' if [ -e _tmp_expyre_job_succeeded ]; then',
' mv _tmp_expyre_job_succeeded _expyre_job_succeeded',
' else',
' echo "No error code but _tmp_expyre_job_succeeded does not exist" > _tmp_expyre_job_error',
' if [ -f _expyre_error ]; then',
' cat _expyre_error >> _tmp_expyre_job_error',
' fi',
' mv _tmp_expyre_job_error _expyre_job_error',
' fi',
' if [ -e _expyre_exception ]; then',
' mv _expyre_exception _expyre_job_exception',
' fi',
' if [ -e _expyre_error ]; then',
' mv _expyre_error _expyre_job_error',
' else',
' echo "ERROR STATUS FROM python $error_stat" > _tmp_expyre_job_error',
' mv _tmp_expyre_job_error _expyre_job_error',
' fi',
# save to file in stage dir
with open(self.stage_dir / '_expyre_post_run_commands', 'w') as fout:
fout.write('\n'.join(post_run_commands) + '\n')
config.db.add(self.id, name=name, from_dir=str(self.stage_dir), status=self.status)
if 'EXPYRE_TIMING_VERBOSE' in os.environ:
sys.stderr.write(f'ExPyRe {name} constructor end {time.time()}\n')
def _copy(in_dir, out_dir, file_glob):
""" Copy files from in_dir to out_dir, including globs in filenames.
If file_glob is absolute, file or directory is copied into out_dir with all of file's
leading path components remove, i.e. file_glob -> out_dir / file_glob.name
Otherwise, file_glob is copied into out_dir with all its (relative) components preserved,
i.e. in_dir / file_glob -> out_dir / file_glob
in_dir: str or Path
input directory, None if file_glob is absolute
out_dir: str or Path
output directory
file_glob: str or Path
glob of file or directory to copy (recursively), absolute iff in_dir is None
out_dir = Path(out_dir)
file_glob = Path(file_glob)
exclude_glob = None
if file_glob.is_absolute():
strip_leading = True
assert in_dir is None
# make in_dir root and file_glob relative to that, so that in_dir.glob(file_glob) works
in_dir = Path(file_glob.root)
file_glob = str(file_glob).replace(str(file_glob.root), '', 1)
strip_leading = False
assert in_dir is not None
in_dir = Path(in_dir)
assert in_dir.is_dir()
if str(file_glob) == '.':
# don't stage back internel expyre files
exclude_glob = '_expyre*'
# for some reason Path.glob('.') gives an error
file_glob = '*'
in_files = list(in_dir.glob(str(file_glob)))
if exclude_glob is not None:
excluded_files = list(in_dir.glob(str(exclude_glob)))
excluded_files = []
in_files = [f for f in in_files if f not in excluded_files]
if len(in_files) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(f'File glob "{file_glob}" (excluding {exclude_glob}) in input_files does not match any files')
for in_file in in_files:
if strip_leading:
rel_out_file = in_file.name
rel_out_file = in_file.relative_to(in_dir)
out_file = out_dir / rel_out_file
out_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
shutil.copytree(in_file, out_file, dirs_exist_ok=True)
except NotADirectoryError:
shutil.copy(in_file, out_file)
def id(self):
return self.stage_dir.name.replace('run_', '', 1)
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_jobsdb(db_jobs):
"""Create a list of ExPyRe objects from JobsDB records
db_jobs: dict or list(dict)
one or more jobs records returned from ``JobsDB.jobs()``
created objects
if isinstance(db_jobs, dict):
db_jobs = [db_jobs]
expyres = []
for j in db_jobs:
assert isinstance(j, dict)
_from_db_info={'remote_id': j['remote_id'], 'system_name': j['system'],
'stage_dir': j['from_dir'], 'status': j['status']}))
return expyres
[docs] def cancel(self, verbose=False):
if self.remote_id is None:
if self.status in JobsDB.status_group['ongoing']:
config.systems[self.system_name].scheduler.cancel(self.remote_id, verbose=verbose)
except Exception:
[docs] def start(self, resources, system_name=os.environ.get('EXPYRE_SYS', None), header_extra=[],
exact_fit=True, partial_node=False, python_cmd='python3', force_rerun=False):
"""Start a job on a remote machine
resoures: dict or Resources
resources to use for job, either Resources or dict of Resources constructor kwargs
system_name: str
name of system in config.systems
header_extra: list(str), optional
list of lines to add to queuing system header, appended to System.header[]
exact_fit: bool, default True
use only nodes that exactly match number of tasks
partial_node: bool, default False
allow jobs that take less than an entire node
python_cmd: str, default python3
name of python interpreter to use on remote machine
force_rerun: bool, default False
force a rerun even if self.status is not "created"
if not force_rerun and self.status != 'created':
# If job is not newly created, return instead of resubmitting
# First check that it is newly recreated, otherwise this shouldn't be happening
assert self.recreated
if force_rerun:
# make sure remote dir is gone, otherwise submission below will fail
self.clean(wipe=True, remote_only=True)
if 'EXPYRE_TIMING_VERBOSE' in os.environ:
sys.stderr.write(f'ExPyRe {self.id} start() start {time.time()}\n')
if isinstance(resources, dict):
resources = Resources(**resources)
self.system_name = system_name
system = config.systems[self.system_name]
with open(self.stage_dir / '_expyre_pre_run_commands') as fin:
pre_run_commands = fin.readlines()
with open(self.stage_dir / '_expyre_post_run_commands') as fin:
post_run_commands = fin.readlines()
if 'EXPYRE_TIMING_VERBOSE' in os.environ:
sys.stderr.write(f'ExPyRe {self.id} start() calling system.submit {time.time()}\n')
self.remote_id = system.submit(self.id, self.stage_dir, resources=resources, header_extra=header_extra,
commands=(pre_run_commands + [f'{python_cmd} _expyre_script_core.py'] +
exact_fit=exact_fit, partial_node=partial_node)
if 'EXPYRE_TIMING_VERBOSE' in os.environ:
sys.stderr.write(f'ExPyRe {self.id} start() done system.submit {time.time()}\n')
self.status = 'submitted'
config.db.update(self.id, status=self.status, system=self.system_name, remote_id=self.remote_id)
# make sure remote status is not done, so get_results() actually syncs new status before giving up
if force_rerun:
config.db.update(self.id, remote_status=None)
if 'EXPYRE_TIMING_VERBOSE' in os.environ:
sys.stderr.write(f'ExPyRe {self.id} start() end {time.time()}\n')
[docs] def sync_remote_results_status(self, sync_all=True, force_sync=False, verbose=False):
"""Sync files associated with results from remote machine to local stage dirs and
updates 'remote_status' in jobsdb. Note that both have to happen because other
functions assume that if remote status has been updated files have been staged back
as well.
sync_all: bool, default True
sync files for all jobs on same system, to minimize number of calls to remote copy
force_sync: bool, default False
sync files even if this job's status indicates that this has already been done
verbose: bool, default False
verbose output
# sync all jobs
if sync_all:
job_id = None
job_id = re.escape(self.id)
# sync even if already done
if force_sync:
status = None
status = 'ongoing'
jobs_to_sync = list(config.db.jobs(system=self.system_name, id=job_id, status=status))
ExPyRe._sync_remote_results_status_ll(jobs_to_sync, verbose=verbose)
def _sync_remote_results_status_ll(cls, jobs_to_sync, n_group=250, cli=False, delete=False, verbose=False):
"""Low level part of syncing jobs. Gets remote files _and_ updates 'remote_status'
field in jobsdb. Note that both have to happen because other functions assume that
if remote status has been updated files have been staged back as well.
cls: class
class for classmethod (unused)
jobs_to_sync: list(dict)
list of job dicts returned by jobsdb.jobs()
n_group: int, default 250
number of jobs to do in a group with each rsync call
cli: bool, default False
command is being from from cli 'xpr sync'
delete: bool, default False
delete local files that are not in remote dir
verbose: bool, default False
verbose output
if len(jobs_to_sync) == 0:
def _grouper(n, iterable):
it = iter(iterable)
while True:
chunk = tuple(itertools.islice(it, n))
if not chunk:
yield chunk
for system_name in set([j['system'] for j in jobs_to_sync]):
system = config.systems[system_name]
# assume all jobs are staged from same place
stage_root = Path(jobs_to_sync[0]['from_dir']).parent
# get remote statuses and update in JobsDB
status_of_remote_id = system.scheduler.status([j['remote_id'] for j in jobs_to_sync], verbose=verbose)
for j in jobs_to_sync:
old_remote_status = list(config.db.jobs(id=re.escape(j['id'])))[0]['remote_status']
new_remote_status = status_of_remote_id[j['remote_id']]
if old_remote_status != new_remote_status:
if cli:
sys.stderr.write(f'Update remote status of {j["id"]} to {status_of_remote_id[j["remote_id"]]}\n')
config.db.update(j['id'], remote_status=status_of_remote_id[j['remote_id']])
# get remote files only _AFTER_ getting remote status, since otherwise might result in
# a race condition:
# copy files while job is running, so not all files are ready
# while files are being copied, job finishes (but some files were not copied)
# update status, showing job as done (despite missing files)
for job_group in _grouper(n_group, jobs_to_sync):
system.get_remotes(stage_root, subdir_glob=[Path(j['from_dir']).name for j in job_group],
delete=delete, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def clean(self, wipe=False, dry_run=False, remote_only=False, verbose=False):
"""clean the local and remote stage directories
wipe: bool, default False
wipe directory completely, opposed to just writing CLEANED into files that could be large
like python function input and output (NOTE: other staged in files or files that are created
are not cleaned if wipe=False)
dry_run: bool, default False
dry run only, print what will happen but do not actually delete or overwrite anything
remote_only: bool, default False
wipe only remote dir (ignored when wipe is False)
verbose: bool, default False
verbose output
if self.system_name is not None:
system = config.systems[self.system_name]
system = None
if wipe:
if system is not None:
# delete remote stage dir
system.clean_rundir(self.stage_dir, None, dry_run=dry_run, verbose=verbose or dry_run)
# delete local stage dir
if not remote_only:
subprocess_run(None, ['find', str(self.stage_dir), '-type', 'd', '-exec', 'chmod', 'u+rwx', '{}', '\\;'],
dry_run=dry_run, verbose=verbose or dry_run)
subprocess_run(None, ['rm', '-rf', str(self.stage_dir)], dry_run=dry_run, verbose=verbose or dry_run)
if system is not None:
# clean remote stage dir
system.clean_rundir(self.stage_dir, ['_expyre_task_in.pckl', '_expyre_job_succeeded'],
dry_run=dry_run, verbose=verbose or dry_run)
if dry_run:
print(f"dry-run overwrite local dirs {self.stage_dir / '_expyre_task_in.pckl'} and "
f"{self.stage_dir / '_expyre_job_succeeded'}, and create "
f"{self.stage_dir / '_expyre_job_cleaned'}")
# clean local stage dir
with open(self.stage_dir / '_expyre_task_in.pckl', 'w') as fout:
f = self.stage_dir / '_expyre_job_succeeded'
if f.exists():
with open(f, 'w') as fout:
with open(self.stage_dir / '_expyre_job_cleaned', 'w') as fout:
if not dry_run:
self.status = 'cleaned'
config.db.update(self.id, status=self.status)
def _read_stdout_err(self):
"""Read all stdout and stderr files, from python run and from submitted job
stdout, stderr, job_stdout, job_stderr: str
with open(self.stage_dir / '_expyre_stdout') as fin:
stdout = fin.read()
stdout = None
with open(self.stage_dir / '_expyre_stderr') as fin:
stderr = fin.read()
stderr = None
with open(self.stage_dir / f'job.{self.id}.stdout') as fin:
job_stdout = fin.read()
job_stdout = None
with open(self.stage_dir / f'job.{self.id}.stderr') as fin:
job_stderr = fin.read()
job_stderr = None
return stdout, stderr, job_stdout, job_stderr
[docs] def get_results(self, timeout=3600, check_interval=30, sync=True, sync_all=True, force_sync=False, quiet=False, verbose=False):
"""Get results from a remote job
timeout: int or str, default 3600
Max time (in sec if int, time spec if str) to wait for job to complete, None or int <= 0 to wait forever
check_interval: int, default 30
Time to wait (in sec) between checks of job completion
sync: bool, default True
Synchronize remote files before checking for results
Note that if this is False and job is finished on remote system but output files haven't been
previously synchronize, this will wait one check_interval then raise an error
sync_all: bool, default True
Sync files from all jobs (not just this one), to reduce number of separate remote copy calls
force_sync: bool, default False
Sync remote files even if job's DB status indicates that this was already done.
Note: together with sync_all this can lead to rsync having to compare many files.
quiet: bool, default False
No progress info
verbose: bool, default False
Verbose output (from remote system/scheduler commands)
return, stdout, stderr:
* value of function
* string containing stdout during function
* string containing stderr during function
if self.status == 'processed' or self.status == 'cleaned':
raise RuntimeError(f'Job {self.id} has status {self.status}, results are no longer available')
timeout = time_to_sec(timeout)
system = config.systems[self.system_name]
start_time = time.time()
problem_last_chance = False
out_of_time = False
n_iter = 0
# this is a messy state machine - only fairly sure that there are no deadlocks or infinite loops
while True:
# sync remote results and status. This used to be inside test for status and/or succeeded/failed
# file existence, but that's probably not useful. If we're in this loop we have to sync, since if
# sync isn't needed, loop should have been exited on previous iteration
# get remote status of job from db (either unset or was set by call to
# self.sync_remote_results_status() in previous iter)
# remote_status values: queued, held, running, done, failed, timeout, other
remote_status = list(config.db.jobs(id=re.escape(self.id)))[0]['remote_status']
if remote_status != 'done':
# If previous status was not 'done', need to sync remote status.
# If it was pre-done, we obviously need current state and results.
# If it was something else (even 'failed'), lets try again just in case it needed
# more time or was fixed manually.
self.sync_remote_results_status(sync_all, force_sync, verbose=verbose)
remote_status = list(config.db.jobs(id=re.escape(self.id)))[0]['remote_status']
# poke filesystem, since on some machines Path.exists() fails even if file appears to be there when doing ls
_ = list(self.stage_dir.glob('_expyre_job_*'))
# read all text output
stdout, stderr, job_stdout, job_stderr = self._read_stdout_err()
# update state depending on presence of various progress files and remote status
if (self.stage_dir / '_expyre_job_succeeded').exists():
# job created final succeeded file
assert remote_status not in ['queued', 'held']
with open(self.stage_dir / '_expyre_job_succeeded', 'rb') as fin:
results = pickle.load(fin)
except Exception as exc:
raise RuntimeError(f'Job {self.id} got "_succeeded" file, but failed to parse it with error {exc}\n'
f'stdout: {stdout}\nstderr: {stderr}\njob stdout: {job_stdout}\njob stderr: {job_stderr}')
self.status = 'succeeded'
elif (self.stage_dir / '_expyre_job_error').exists():
# job created final failed file
assert remote_status not in ['queued', 'held']
with open(self.stage_dir / '_expyre_job_error') as fin:
error_msg = fin.read()
self.status = 'failed'
if (self.stage_dir / '_expyre_job_started').exists():
self.status = 'started'
# job does not _appear_ to have finished
if remote_status not in ['queued', 'held', 'running']:
# problem - job does not seem to be queued (even held) or running
if problem_last_chance:
# already on last chance, giving up
self.status = 'died'
config.db.update(self.id, status=self.status)
raise ExPyReJobDiedError(f'Job {self.id} has remote status {remote_status} but no _succeeded or _error\n'
f'stdout: {stdout}\nstderr: {stderr}\n'
f'job stdout: {job_stdout}\njob stderr: {job_stderr}\n')
# give it one more chance, perhaps queuing system status and file are slow to sync to head node
warnings.warn(f'Job {self.id} has no _succeeded or _error file, but remote status {remote_status} is '
'not "queued", "held", or "running". Giving it one more chance.')
problem_last_chance = True
# No apparent problem, just not done yet, leave status as is, but check for timeout
if out_of_time:
if not quiet and n_iter > 0:
raise ExPyReTimeoutError
# update status in database
config.db.update(self.id, status=self.status)
# return if succeeded or failed
if self.status == 'succeeded':
# stage out remotely created files
# should we do this for failed calls?
if (self.stage_dir / '_expyre_output_files').exists():
with open(self.stage_dir / '_expyre_output_files') as fin:
for in_file in [f.replace('\n', '') for f in fin.readlines()]:
ExPyRe._copy(self.stage_dir, Path.cwd(), in_file)
if not quiet and n_iter > 0:
# newline after one or more 'q|r' progress characters
return results, stdout, stderr
elif self.status == 'failed':
if not quiet and n_iter > 0:
# newline after one or more 'q|r' progress characters
if (self.stage_dir / "_expyre_job_exception").is_file():
# reraise python exception that caused job to fail
with open(self.stage_dir / "_expyre_job_exception", "rb") as fin:
exc = pickle.load(fin)
sys.stderr.write(f'Remote job {self.id} failed with exception '
f'error_msg {error_msg}\n'
f'stdout: {stdout}\nstderr: {stderr}\n'
f'job stdout: {job_stdout}\njob stderr: {job_stderr}')
raise exc
raise ExPyReJobDiedError(f'Remote job {self.id} failed with no exception but remote status {remote_status} '
f'error_msg {error_msg}\n'
f'stdout: {stdout}\nstderr: {stderr}\n'
f'job stdout: {job_stdout}\njob stderr: {job_stderr}')
out_of_time = (timeout is not None) and (timeout >= 0) and (time.time() - start_time > timeout)
if not quiet:
if n_iter == 0:
sys.stderr.write(f'Waiting for job {self.id} up to {timeout} s: \n')
# progress info to stderr
if n_iter % 10 == 10 - 1:
sys.stderr.write(f'{(n_iter // 10) % 10}')
if n_iter % 100 == 100 - 1:
# wait for next check
n_iter += 1
[docs] def mark_processed(self):
"""Mark job as processed (usually after results have been stored someplace)
self.status = 'processed'
config.db.update(self.id, status=self.status)
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.id} system={self.system_name} remote_id={self.remote_id} status={self.status} stage_dir={self.stage_dir}'