Multistage GAP fitting

Multistage GAP fitting#

Fit a GAP with multiple descriptor in multiple stages, to calculate the appropriate delta (energy scale) at each stage


  • calculate spread of energy in reference data, use for delta in stage 0

    • delta =~ energy spread / n_descriptors_per_atom

  • modify each config in fitting database, e.g. setting per-config energy_sigma, force_sigma, using a callback in a python module

  • fit GAP(stage=0), naming it with {label}.stage_{stage}.xml

  • repeat for stage=1..

    • calculate fitting error for GAP(stage-1)

    • use fitting error (residual) to estimate delta for this stage’s descriptors

      • delta =~ fitting error / n_descriptors_per_atom

    • modify each config in fitting database as in stage 0

    • fit GAP(stage)

  • rename final GAP file to {label}.xml

Configuration file#

The iterative fitting procedure is controlled by a JSON file that describes the descriptors and fitting params for each stage, and some global fitting params.

  • The top level dict contains two keys, stages and gap_params

    • stages : list of dicts, one for each stage.

      • Each stage contains a dict with keys error_scale_factor and descriptors

        • error_scale_factor: factor to apply to all fitting sigmas when doing the fit for that stage (e.g. to reduce desired accuracy of stage 0 2-body only fit), defaults to 1.0 if missing. Passed to database modifying module callback mentioned above.

        • descriptors: list of dicts describing each descriptor and its fitting params.

          • Each list item contains a dict with desc_str, fit_str, and count_cutoff

            • desc_str: string used to create QUIP Descriptor

            • fit_str: string used to create the rest of the gap_fit input arguments, e.g. n_sparse, covariance_type, etc.

            • count_cutoff, optional: cutoff to be used when counting descriptors per atom, used for counting only close neighbors for 2-body descriptors, even if they are actually much longer ranged.

    • gap_params : global gap_fit params, e.g. default_sigma, sparse_jitter, output_separate_file

Creating configuration file# has a function prep_input which takes a _template_ configuration file and creates descriptors for each species using universal SOAP hyperparameters. The template file format is similar to the configuration file described above. The main exceptions are

  • in addition to the error_scale_factor and descriptors keys there is another, add_species

  • All strings (mainly intended for desc_str) have length scales specified in terms of ${REPL_EXPR}, which will be replaced by the mathematical expression, substituting particular strings (e.g. R_CUT, BOND_LEN_Z) as described in the docstring for wfl.descriptor_heuristics.dup_descs_for_species(). Replacements will remain strings, except strings that begin with _F_, which will be replaced with the evaluate floating point value.

add_species can be any value understood by wfl.descriptor_heuristics.dup_descs_for_species(), in particular

  • manual_Z1_Z2 for 2-body descriptors with length scale set differently for each Z1-Z2 pair

  • manual_universal_SOAP for universal SOAPs that will be created, 2 or more, for each center Z, using heuristics