wfl.calculators.orca package#


wfl.calculators.orca.basinhopping module#

class wfl.calculators.orca.basinhopping.BasinHoppingORCA(atoms=None, n_hop=10, n_run=3, scratchdir=None, n_missing_tolerance=1, energy_tol=0.001, forces_tol=0.05, seed='orca', n_orb=10, max_angle=60.0, smearing=5000.0, maxiter=500, chained_hops=True, orcasimpleinput='UHF PBE def2-SVP tightscf', orcablocks=None, orca_command='orca', rng=None, keep_files=False, uhf=True, **kwargs)#

Bases: Calculator

ORCA calculator with basin hopping in wavefunction space for smooth PES of radicals

Call n_runs (3 <= recommended) instances of calculation on each frame. If all agree in energy within a given margin, then it is a successful.


  1. no rotation, only smearing calculation

  2. n_hop - 1 number of calculations with random rotations

  • atoms (ase.Atoms) – molecule for calculation

  • n_hop (int) – number of hopping steps

  • n_run (int) – number of independent runs to perform, resultant energy/force is checked to be the same

  • scratchdir (path_like) – put temporary directories here for the calculations, one per task very efficient if you have an SSD scratch disk on nodes that perform the tasks

  • n_missing_tolerance (int) – number of files allowed to be missing

  • energy_tol (float) – energy tolerance in eV/atom

  • force_tol (float) – force tolerance in eV/Angstrom per component

  • seed (str) – file name seed

  • n_orb (int) – number of orbital pairs to rotate

  • max_angle (float) – maximal angle to rotate orbitals to

  • smearing (float, default 5000.) – smearing temperature in K, recommended is 5000 K

  • maxiter (int, default 500) – maximum number of SCF iterations to do

  • chained_hops (bool, default True) – chain hops, ie. to take the previous wavefunction result or the very initial one

  • orcasimpleinput (str) – What you’d put after the “!” in an orca input file.

  • orcablocks (str) – What you’d put in the “% … end”-blocks.

  • orca_command (str) – command of ORCA calculator as in path

  • rng (np.random.Generator) – random number generator

  • keep_files (bool) – to keep the resultant files from each calculation

  • uhf (bool, default True) – to use Unrestricted HF/KS method. This is advised to be used at all times, implemented for development purposes.

  • kwargs

calculate(atoms=None, properties=None, system_changes=['positions', 'numbers', 'cell', 'pbc', 'initial_charges', 'initial_magmoms'], keep_raw_results=False, verbose=False)#

Do the calculation.

properties: list of str

List of what needs to be calculated. Can be any combination of ‘energy’, ‘forces’, ‘stress’, ‘dipole’, ‘charges’, ‘magmom’ and ‘magmoms’.

system_changes: list of str

List of what has changed since last calculation. Can be any combination of these six: ‘positions’, ‘numbers’, ‘cell’, ‘pbc’, ‘initial_charges’ and ‘initial_magmoms’.

Subclasses need to implement this, but can ignore properties and system_changes if they want. Calculated properties should be inserted into results dictionary like shown in this dummy example:

self.results = {'energy': 0.0,
                'forces': np.zeros((len(atoms), 3)),
                'stress': np.zeros(6),
                'dipole': np.zeros(3),
                'charges': np.zeros(len(atoms)),
                'magmom': 0.0,
                'magmoms': np.zeros(len(atoms))}

The subclass implementation should first call this implementation to set the atoms attribute and create any missing directories.


Get the index of the HOMO.

ORCA counts form 0 and fills the alpha (indexed 0) spin more than the beta (indexed 1) for odd n_elec.


i_homo_alpha, i_homo_beta

Return type



Gets the multiplicity of the atoms object.

ORCA format: singlet = 1, doublet = 2, etc.



Return type


implemented_properties: List[str] = ['energy', 'forces']#

Properties calculator can handle (energy, forces, …)

process_results(energy_array, force_array)#

Compares the resultant energies and forces

Maximal difference between energy minima per atom and corresponding force components are checked against the set thresholds.

  • energy_array (array, shape(n_runs, n_hop)) –

  • force_array (array, shape(n_runs, n_hop, len_atoms, 3)) –


  • energy

  • forces

wfl.calculators.orca.basinhopping.evaluate_basin_hopping(*args, **kwargs)#

Evaluate with BasinHoppingORCA calculator

  • inputs (list(Atoms) / ConfigSet) – input atomic configs, needs to be iterable

  • outputs (OutputSpec) – output atomic configs

  • workdir_root (path-like, default os.getcwd()) – directory to put calculation directories into

  • rundir_prefix (str, default 'ORCA_') – directory name prefix for calculations

  • keep_files ("default" / bool) –

    what kind of files to keep from the run

    • ”default : .out, .inp, .ase, .engrad is kept – ase can read the results again

    • True : all files kept

    • False: none kept

  • orca_kwargs (dict) – kwargs for BasinHoppingORCA calculator

  • output_prefix (str, default None) – prefix for keys in the


results – ConfigSet(outputs)

Return type


Module contents#

class wfl.calculators.orca.ORCA(keep_files='default', rundir_prefix='ORCA_', scratchdir=None, workdir=None, calculator_exec=None, post_process=None, **kwargs)#

Bases: WFLFileIOCalculator, ORCA

Extension of ASE’s ORCA calculator that can be used by wfl.calculators.generic


  • “directory” argument cannot be present. Use rundir_prefix and workdir instead.

  • Unless specified, multiplicity is set to singlet/doublet for closed-/open-shell structures

  • Results from additional optimisation task (set to “opt” or “copt”) are stored in extra_results dictionary.

  • keep_files (bool / None / "default" / list(str), default "default") –

    what kind of files to keep from the run
    • True : everything kept

    • None, False : nothing kept, unless calculation fails

    • ”default” : only ones needed for NOMAD uploads (‘*.pwo’)

    • list(str) : list of file globs to save

  • rundir_prefix (str / Path, default 'ORCA_') – Run directory name prefix

  • workdir (str / Path, default . at calculate time) – Path in which rundir will be created.

  • scratchdir (str / Path, default None) – temporary directory to execute calculations in and delete or copy back results (set by “keep_files”) if needed. For example, directory on a local disk with fast file I/O.

  • calculator_exec (str, default "orca") – command for ORCA, without any prefix or redirection set. for example: “/path/to/orca” mutually exclusive with “command”

  • post_process (function that takes the current instance of the calculator and is to be) – executed after reading back results from file, but before all the files are deleted. For example, a localisation scheme that uses the wavefunction files and saves local charges to ORCA.extra_results.

  • **kwargs (arguments for ase.calculators.espresso.Espresso) –

calculate(atoms=None, properties=['energy', 'forces'], system_changes=['positions', 'numbers', 'cell', 'pbc', 'initial_charges', 'initial_magmoms'])#

Does the calculation. Handles the working directories in addition to regular ASE calculation operations (writing input, executing, reading_results)


Clean all (empty) directories that could not have been removed immediately after the calculation, for example, because other parallel process might be using them.

default_parameters = {'charge': 0, 'mult': None, 'orcablocks': '%scf maxiter 200 end', 'orcasimpleinput': 'tightscf PBE def2-SVP', 'task': 'engrad'}#
static get_default_multiplicity(atoms, charge=0)#

Gets the multiplicity of the atoms object.

ORCA format: singlet = 1, doublet = 2, etc.

  • atoms (ase.Atoms) –

  • charge (int) –



Return type


implemented_properties: List[str] = ['energy', 'forces', 'dipole']#

Properties calculator can handle (energy, forces, …)


checks for warnings about SCF/wavefunction not converging.


None if “FINAL SINGLE POINT ENERGY” is not in the output False if “Wavefunction not fully converged” is in the file True otherwise

Based on ase.calculators.orca.read_energy().



Dipole is calculated by default, though only written up to 0.00001 so the rest of the digits are not meaningful in the output.


Reads frequencies (dynamical matrix eigenvalues) and normal modes (eigenvectors) from output. Currently broken.


Reads the result of the geometry optimisation


Reads all results


Reads the trajectory of the geometry optimisation


Each comment line in output xyz has “Coordinates from ORCA-job orca E -154.812399026326”; # TODO parse out forces as well

wfl_generic_default_autopara_info = {'num_inputs_per_python_subprocess': 1}#
write_input(atoms, properties=None, system_changes=None)#

Writes orca.inp, based on the wfl ORCA calculator parameters

wfl.calculators.orca.natural_population_analysis(janpa_home_dir, orca_calc)#
