wfl.calculators package#


wfl.calculators.aims module#

FHI-Aims Calculator

class wfl.calculators.aims.Aims(keep_files='default', rundir_prefix='run_Aims_', workdir=None, scratchdir=None, calculator_exec=None, **kwargs)#

Bases: WFLFileIOCalculator, Aims

Extension of ASE’s Aims calculator that can be used by wfl.calculators.generic.

The `directory` argument from the basic calculator implementation in ASE cannot be present. Use `rundir_prefix` and `workdir` instead.

Note that in case the Calculator detects a structure that is non-periodic invalid keywords will automatically be removed. Specifically, all keywords that start with ‘k_’, contain the sub-string ‘k_grid’ or ‘stress’ or are equal to ‘relax_unit_cell’ or ‘external_pressure’ will be removed.

  • keep_files (bool / None / "default" / list(str), default "default") –

    What kind of files to keep from the run:
    • True : Everything kept.

    • None, False : Nothing kept, unless calculation fails.

    • ”default” : Only ones needed for NOMAD uploads (‘’, ‘’, ‘aims.out’) are kept.

    • list(str) : List of file globs to save.

  • rundir_prefix (str / Path, default 'run_Aims_') – Run directory name prefix.

  • workdir (str / Path, default . at calculate time) – Path in which the run directory will be created.

  • scratchdir (str / Path, default None) – Temporary directory to execute calculations in and delete or copy back results (set by `keep_files`) if needed. For example, directory on a local disk with fast file I/O.

  • calculator_exec (str) – command for Aims, without any prefix or redirection set. For example: “srun -n 4 /path/to/aims.*.scalapack.mpi.x”. Mutually exclusive with `command`.

  • **kwargs (arguments for ase.calculators.aims.Aims) – See

calculate(atoms=None, properties=['energy', 'forces', 'stress'], system_changes=['positions', 'numbers', 'cell', 'pbc', 'initial_charges', 'initial_magmoms'])#

Do the calculation.

Handles the working directories in addition to regular ASE calculation operations (writing input, executing, reading_results). Reimplements and extends GenericFileIOCalculator.calculate() for the development version of ASE or FileIOCalculator.calculate() for the v3.22.1.


atoms: ASE-Atoms object

Atomistic system to be calculated.

properties: list(str)

List of what needs to be calculated. Can be any combination of ‘energy’, ‘forces’, ‘stress’, ‘dipole’, ‘charges’, ‘magmom’ and ‘magmoms’.

system_changes: list(str)

List of what has changed since last calculation. Can be any combination of these six: ‘positions’, ‘numbers’, ‘cell’, ‘pbc’, ‘initial_charges’ and ‘initial_magmoms’.

implemented_properties: List[str] = ['energy', 'forces', 'stress']#

Properties calculator can handle (energy, forces, …)

wfl_generic_default_autopara_info = {'num_inputs_per_python_subprocess': 1}#

wfl.calculators.castep module#

Quantum Castep interface

class wfl.calculators.castep.Castep(keep_files='default', rundir_prefix='run_CASTEP_', workdir=None, scratchdir=None, calculator_exec=None, **kwargs)#

Bases: WFLFileIOCalculator, Castep

Extension of ASE’s Castep calculator that can be used by wfl.calculators.generic

“directory” argument cannot be present. Use rundir_prefix and workdir instead.

  • keep_files (bool / None / "default" / list(str), default "default") –

    what kind of files to keep from the run
    • True : everything kept

    • None, False : nothing kept, unless calculation fails

    • ”default” : only ones needed for NOMAD uploads (‘*.pwo’)

    • list(str) : list of file globs to save

  • rundir_prefix (str / Path, default 'run_CASTEP_') – Run directory name prefix

  • workdir (str / Path, default . at calculate time) – Path in which rundir will be created.

  • scratchdir (str / Path, default None) – temporary directory to execute calculations in and delete or copy back results (set by “keep_files”) if needed. For example, directory on a local disk with fast file I/O.

  • calculator_exec (str) – command for Castep, without any prefix or redirection set. for example: “mpirun -n 4 castep.mpi” Alternative for “castep_command”, for consistency with other wfl calculators.

  • **kwargs (arguments for ase.calculators.Castep.Castep) –

calculate(atoms=None, properties=['energy', 'forces', 'stress'], system_changes=['positions', 'numbers', 'cell', 'pbc', 'initial_charges', 'initial_magmoms'])#

Do the calculation. Handles the working directories in addition to regular ASE calculation operations (writing input, executing, reading_results) Reimplements & extends GenericFileIOCalculator.calculate() for the development version of ASE or FileIOCalculator.calculate() for the v3.22.1

implemented_properties: List[str] = ['energy', 'forces', 'stress']#

Properties calculator can handle (energy, forces, …)

wfl_generic_default_autopara_info = {'num_inputs_per_python_subprocess': 1}#

wfl.calculators.committee module#

Committee of Models

Calculated properties with a list of models and saves them into info/arrays. Further operations (eg. mean, variance, etc.) with these are up to the user.

wfl.calculators.committee.calculate_committee(atoms, calculator_list, properties=None, output_prefix='committee_{}_')#

Calculate energy and forces with a committee of models


Supports formatter string in the output_prefix arg, but currently only with a single field literally “{}”.

  • atoms (Atoms / list(Atoms)) – input atomic configs

  • calculator_list (list(Calculator) / list[(initializer, args, kwargs)]) – list of calculators to use as a committee of models on the configs

  • properties (list[str], default ['energy', 'forces', 'stress']) – properties to calculate

  • output_prefix (str, default="committee_") – prefix for results coming from the committee of models. If includes “{}” then will use it as a format string, otherwise puts a number at the end of prefix for the index of the model in the committee of models



Return type

Atoms / list(Atoms)

wfl.calculators.espresso module#

Quantum Espresso interface

class wfl.calculators.espresso.Espresso(keep_files='default', rundir_prefix='run_QE_', workdir=None, scratchdir=None, calculator_exec=None, **kwargs)#

Bases: WFLFileIOCalculator, Espresso

Extension of ASE’s Espresso calculator that can be used by wfl.calculators.generic

“directory” argument cannot be present. Use rundir_prefix and workdir instead.

  • keep_files (bool / None / "default" / list(str), default "default") –

    what kind of files to keep from the run
    • True : everything kept

    • None, False : nothing kept, unless calculation fails

    • ”default” : only ones needed for NOMAD uploads (‘*.pwo’)

    • list(str) : list of file globs to save

  • rundir_prefix (str / Path, default 'run_QE_') – Run directory name prefix

  • workdir (str / Path, default . at calculate time) – Path in which rundir will be created.

  • scratchdir (str / Path, default None) – temporary directory to execute calculations in and delete or copy back results (set by “keep_files”) if needed. For example, directory on a local disk with fast file I/O.

  • calculator_exec (str) – command for QE, without any prefix or redirection set. for example: “mpirun -n 4 /path/to/pw.x” mutually exclusive with “command” with “profile”

  • **kwargs (arguments for ase.calculators.espresso.Espresso) –

calculate(atoms=None, properties=['energy', 'forces', 'stress'], system_changes=['positions', 'numbers', 'cell', 'pbc', 'initial_charges', 'initial_magmoms'])#

Do the calculation. Handles the working directories in addition to regular ASE calculation operations (writing input, executing, reading_results) Reimplements & extends GenericFileIOCalculator.calculate() for the development version of ASE or FileIOCalculator.calculate() for the v3.22.1

implemented_properties: List[str] = ['energy', 'forces', 'stress']#

Properties calculator can handle (energy, forces, …)


Setup calculator params based on atoms structure (pbc) and requested properties

wfl_generic_default_autopara_info = {'num_inputs_per_python_subprocess': 1}#

wfl.calculators.generic module#

wfl.calculators.generic.calculate(*args, **kwargs)#

evaluates configs using an arbitrary calculator and store results in info/arrays entries or SinglePointCalculator.

Defaults to wfl_num_inputs_per_python_subprocess=10, to avoid recreating the calculator for each configuration, unless calculator class defines a wfl_generic_default_autopara_info attribute in which case that value is used for the default.

If contains ‘WFL_CALCULATOR_INITIALIZER’, ‘WFL_CALCULATOR_ARGS’ or ‘WFL_CALCULATOR_KWARGS’, an individual calculator will be created for that Atoms object. The initializer and *args will be _overridden_ by the corresponding entries, but the **kwargs will be _modified_ (dict.update) by the entry.

  • inputs (iterable(Atoms)) – input quantities of type Atoms

  • outputs (OutputSpec or None) – where to write output atomic configs, or None for no output (i.e. only side-effects)

  • calculator (Calculator / (initializer (callable), args (list), kwargs (dict))) – ASE calculator or routine to call to create calculator. If ‘WFL_CALCULATOR_ARGS’ …_INITIALIZER, or …_KWARGS are present in any dicts, calculator _must_ be a 3-tuple so that those initializer, *args or **kwargs can be used to override defaults.

  • properties (list(str), default ['energy', 'forces', stress']) – Properties to request from calculator. If any are not present after calculation (e.g. stress for nonperiodic configurations), a warning will be printed.

  • output_prefix (str, default _auto_) – String to prefix info/arrays key names where results will be stored. ‘_auto_’ for automatically determining name of calculator constructor, and None for SinglePointCalculator instead of info/arrays.

  • verbose (bool) – verbose output

  • autopara_info (AutoParaInfo / dict, optional) – information for automatic parallelization


co – output configs

Return type


wfl.calculators.kpts module#

Universal k-spacing functions

wfl.calculators.kpts.universal_kspacing_k_mesh(cell, pbc, kspacing, kgamma=True, inversion_sym=False)#

Calculate universal kspacing, but never > 1 for pbc False

  • kspacing (float) – spacing in reciprocal space (assuming magnitude of reciprical lattice vectors includes factor of 2 pi

  • cell (ase.cell.Cell) – cell of atomic configuration

  • pbc ((bool, bool, bool)) – Whether direction is periodic and should be k-point sampled

  • kgamma (bool, default True) – use Gamma centered mesh

  • inversion_sym (bool, default False) – use inversion symmetry to fold k-points



Return type

list((float, float, float)) positions of BZ points in reciprocal lattice coordinates

wfl.calculators.kpts.universal_kspacing_n_k(cell, pbc, kspacing)#

Calculate universal kspacing, but never > 1 for pbc False

  • kspacing (float) – spacing in reciprocal space (assuming magnitude of reciprical lattice vectors includes factor of 2 pi

  • cell (ase.cell.Cell) – cell of atomic configuration

  • pbc ((bool, bool, bool)) – Whether direction is periodic and should be k-point sampled



Return type

list((float, float, float)) positions of BZ points in reciprocal lattice coordinates

wfl.calculators.mopac module#

MOPAC interface

class wfl.calculators.mopac.MOPAC(keep_files='default', rundir_prefix='run_MOPAC_', workdir=None, scratchdir=None, calculator_exec=None, **kwargs)#

Bases: WFLFileIOCalculator, MOPAC

Extension of ASE’s MOPAC claculator so that it can be used by wfl.calculators.generic (mainly each calculation is run in a separate directory)

calculate(atoms=None, properties=['energy', 'forces'], system_changes=['positions', 'numbers', 'cell', 'pbc', 'initial_charges', 'initial_magmoms'])#

Do the calculation. Handles the working directories in addition to regular ASE calculation operations (writing input, executing, reading_results) Reimplements & extends GenericFileIOCalculator.calculate() for the development version of ASE or FileIOCalculator.calculate() for the v3.22.1

wfl_generic_default_autopara_info = {'num_inputs_per_python_subprocess': 1}#

wfl.calculators.utils module#

wfl.calculators.utils.clean_rundir(rundir, keep_files, default_keep_files, calculation_succeeded)#

clean up a run directory from a file-based calculator

  • rundir (str) – path to run dir

  • keep_files ('default' / list(str) / '*' / bool / None) – files to keep, None or False for nothing, ‘*’ or True for all

  • default_keep_files (list(str)) – files to keep if keep_files == ‘default’ or calculation_succeeded is False

  • calculation_succeeded (bool) –


Parse a command provided as a conventional argv into the separate structures that generic file-io calculators use to construct their Profile


argv (list(str)) – command to execute, split into separate arguments (e.g. using shlex.split?)


  • binary (str binary to execute)

  • parallel_info (dict with parallel info, in particular “binary” for mpirun/mpiexec/srun etc,) – and additional fields to reconstruct rest of command line (all fake, depending on details of how ASE constructs the final command line

wfl.calculators.utils.save_results(atoms, properties, results_prefix=None)#

saves results of a calculation in a SinglePointCalculator or info/arrays keys

If[“__calculator_results_saved”] is true, assume that results have already been saved and instead just remove this key and continue

  • atoms (Atoms) – configuration

  • properties (list(str) or None) – list of calculated properties to save, or None to use atoms.calc.results dict keys

  • results_prefix (str / None , default None) – if None, store in SinglePointCalculator, else store in results_prefix+<property>. str with length 0 is forbidden

wfl.calculators.vasp module#

VASP calculator

class wfl.calculators.vasp.Vasp(keep_files='default', rundir_prefix='run_VASP_', workdir=None, scratchdir=None, calculator_exec=None, calculator_exec_gamma=None, **kwargs)#

Bases: WFLFileIOCalculator, Vasp

Extension of ASE’s Vasp calculator that can be used by wfl.calculators.generic


“directory” argument cannot be present. Use rundir_prefix and workdir instead. “pp” defaults to “.”, so VASP_PP_PATH env var is absolute path to “<elem name>/POTCAR” files

  • keep_files (bool / None / "default" / list(str), default "default") –

    what kind of files to keep from the run

    True, “*” : everything kept None, False : nothing kept “default” : only ones needed for NOMAD uploads (‘POSCAR’, ‘INCAR’, ‘KPOINTS’, ‘OUTCAR’, ‘vasprun.xml’, ‘vasp.out’) list(str) : list of file globs to save

  • rundir_prefix (str / Path, default 'run_VASP_') – Run directory name prefix

  • workdir (str / Path, default . at calculate time) – Path in which rundir will be created.

  • scratchdir (str / Path, default None) – temporary directory to execute calculations in and delete or copy back results (set by “keep_files”) if needed. For example, directory on a local disk with fast file I/O.

  • calculator_exec (str) – executable to run (without ASE-specific command line arguments). Mutually exclusive with ASE-built-in “command”

  • calculator_exec_gamma (str) – executable to run for nonperiodic systems (overrides ASE_VASP_COMMAND_GAMMA, VASP_COMMAND_GAMMA, VASP_SCRIPT_GAMMA). Mutually exclusive with ASE-built-in “command” and “command_gamma”

  • **kwargs (arguments for ase.calculators.vasp.vasp.Vasp) – remaining arguments to ASE’s Vasp calculator constructor

calculate(atoms=None, properties=['energy', 'forces', 'stress'], system_changes=['positions', 'numbers', 'cell', 'pbc', 'initial_charges', 'initial_magmoms'])#

Do the calculation. Handles the working directories in addition to regular ASE calculation operations (writing input, executing, reading_results)

default_parameters: Dict[str, Any] = {'ismear': 0, 'lcharg': False, 'lwave': False}#

Default parameters

wfl_generic_num_inputs_per_python_subprocess = 1#

wfl.calculators.wfl_fileio_calculator module#

class wfl.calculators.wfl_fileio_calculator.WFLFileIOCalculator(keep_files, rundir_prefix, workdir=None, scratchdir=None, **kwargs)#

Bases: object

Mixin class implementing some methods that should be available to every WFL calculator that does I/O via files, i.e. DFT calculators

As a python mixin class, must be inherited from by the wrapping wfl calculator class _before_ the ASE calculator, i.e.

from ase.calculators.dftcode import DftCodeCalculator as ASE_DftCodeCalculator
class DftCodeCalculator(WFLFileIOCalculator, ASE_DftCodeCalculator):
  • keep_files (bool / None / "default" / list(str), default "default") –

    what kind of files to keep from the run

    True, “*” : everything kept None, False : nothing kept “default” : default list, varies by calculator, usually only ones needed for NOMAD uploads list(str) : list of file globs to save

  • rundir_prefix (str / Path) – Run directory name prefix

  • workdir (str / Path, default . at calculate time) – Path in which rundir (rundir_prefix + temp suffix) will be created.

  • scratchdir (str / Path, default None) – temporary directory to execute calculations in and delete or copy back results (set by “keep_files”) if needed. For example, directory on a local disk with fast file I/O.

  • kwargs (dict) – remaining superclass constructor kwargs

clean_rundir(_default_keep_files, calculation_succeeded)#

Clean all (empty) directories that could not have been removed immediately after the calculation, for example, because other parallel process might be using them. Done because self.workdir_root gets created upon initialisation, but we can’t ever be sure it’s not needed anymore, so let’s not do it automatically.


Module contents#