Functions as independently queued jobs#

Operations that have been wrapped in autoparallelize can be split into independent jobs with minimal coding. A config.json file must describe the available queuing sytem resources (see expyre README), and a JSON file (content or path in env var WFL_EXPYRE_INFO) describes the resources needed by any autoparallelize call that should be executed this way. Any remote machine to be used requires that the wfl python module be installed. If needed, commands needed to make this module available (e.g. setting PYTHONPATH) can be set on a per-machine basis in the config.json file mentioned below.


To facilitate restarts of interrupted operations, submitted jobs are cached. If the code executed by the job is changed, this may result in cached but incorrect output being used. See discussion below.

In addition,,, and have been wrapped, as a single job each. The GAP simple fit is controlled by the WFL_GAP_SIMPLE_FIT_REMOTEINFO env var. Setting this variable will also lead to the multistage fit submitting each simple fit as its own job. In addition, the multistage fit can be turned into a single job containing all the stages with the WFL_GAP_MULTISTAGE_FIT_REMOTEINFO env var. In principle, doing each simple fit as its own job could enable running committee fits in parallel, but that is not supported right now. The env var WFL_ACE_FIT_REMOTEINFO is used for ACE fits.


Now that the multistage fit does very little other than the repeated simple fitting, does it need its own level of remote job execution?

The *REMOTEINFO and WFL_EXPYRE_INFO environment variables allow to flexibly control which parts of a (likely long and multi-file) fitting script are executed remotely and with what resources without a need to change the script itself thus allowing for more flexibility. For simpler scripts, RemoteInfo python object may be given to the to-be remotely submitted function instead of setting the environment variables.


The workflow ( is essentially identical to what you’d otherwise construct:

from wfl.configset import ConfigSet, OutputSpec
from wfl.generate_configs.minim import run

from ase.calculators.vasp import Vasp

infile = ""
ci = ConfigSet(infile)
co = OutputSpec('relaxed.' + infile)

vasp_kwargs = { 'encut': 400.0, 'ismear': 0, 'sigma': 0.1, 'ediff': 1.0d-7, 'kspacing': 0.15, 'kgamma': True }

# set path to POTCARs
# override non-trivial default setups, just use file in POTCARs/<symbol>/POTCAR
vasp_kwargs['pp'] = '.' # override ASE Vasp's unneeded "potpaw*" addition
vasp_kwargs['setups'] = { chemsym: '' for chemsym in }

#   do relaxation
ci_relaxed = minim_run(ci, co, calculator=(Vasp, [], vasp_kwargs), pressure=0.0)

The interactive commands to prepare for running the workflow set up the env vars necessary to control the queued jobs:

export WFL_EXPYRE_INFO=$PWD/remoteinfo.json
cat<<EOF > remoteinfo.json
 "" : {
     "sys_name": "${sys_name}",
     "job_name": "vasp_minim",
     "resources": { "num_nodes" : 1, "max_time": "24h" },
     "num_inputs_per_queued_job" : 1,
     "input_files": ["POTCARs"],
     "env_vars": ["VASP_COMMAND=${vasp_path}", "VASP_PP_PATH=POTCARs",
                  "WFL_VASP_KWARGS='{ \"ncore\": '\${EXPYRE_NCORES_PER_NODE}'}'" ]

python3 ./

where ${sys_name} is set to the name of the system you want to run on, and ${vasp_path}$ is the path to the vasp executable on the remote machine.

In addition a config.json file (see example in expyre README) with available systems needs to be created (usually in $HOME/.expyre/, otherwise in the _expyre directory mentioned below), and a directory called some/path/_expyre/ (note the initial _, not ., so it is more visible) can optionally be created at the directory hierarchy level that indicates the scope of the project, to separate the jobs database from any other project.


Restarts are supposed to be handled automatically - if the workflow script is interrupted, just rerun it. If the entire autoparallelize call is complete, the default behavior of OutputSpec will allow it to skip the operation entirely. If the operation is not entirely done, the remote running package will detect an attempt to compute a previously initiated call (based on a hash of pickles of the function and all of its arguments) and not duplicate the job submission. Note that this hashing mechanism is not perfect, and functions that pass arguments that cannot be pickled deterministically (e.g. and the initializer=np.random.seed argument) need to specifically exclude that argument (obviously only if ignoring it for the purpose of detecting duplicate submission is indeed correct). All functions already ignore the outputs OutputSpec argument.


The hashing mechanism is only designed for interrupted runs, and does not detect changes to the called function (or to any functions that function calls). If the code is being modified, the user should erase the ExPyRe staged job directories, and clean up the sqlite database file, before rerunning. Using a per-project _expyre directory makes this easier, since the database file can simply be erased, otherwise the xpr command line tool needs to be used to delete the previously created jobs.

Note that this is only relevant to incomplete autoparallelized operations, since any completed operation (once all the remote job outputs have been gathered into the location specified in the OutputSpec) no longer depends on anything ExPyRe-related. See also the warning in the OutputSpec documentation.


The WFL_EXPYRE_INFO variable contains a JSON or the name of a file that contains a JSON. The JSON encodes a dict with keys indicating particular function calls, and values containing arguments for constructing RemoteInfo objects.


Each key consist of a comma separated list of remote_label or "end_of_path_to_file::function_name".

If remote_label is used, its value needs to be given to the parallelized function’s autopara_info as part of AutoparaInfo class. This allows for finer control, for example when there are multiple instances of a given parallelizable function, but they need to be handled differently.

The list needs to match the end of the stack trace, i.e. the first item matches the outermost (of the len(str.split(',')) comma separate items specified) calling function, the second item matches the function that was called by it, etc., down to the final item matching the innermost function (not including the actual autoparallelize call). Each item in the list needs to match the end of the file path, followed by a :, followed by the function name in that file.

For example, to parallelize only the call to from do_MD_bulk_defect_step(...), the key could be set to,generate_configs/


Each value consists of a dict that will be passed to the RemoteInfo constructor as its kwargs.

Dividing items into and parallelising within jobs#

When using the autoparallelized loop remote job functionality, the number of items from the iterable assigned to each job is set by the num_inputs_per_queued_job parameter of the RemoteInfo object (normally set by WFL_EXPYRE_INFO). If positive, it directly specifies the number, but if negative, -1 * num_inputs_per_queued_job * num_inputs_per_python_subprocess items will be packaged, where num_inputs_per_python_subprocess is the value for the underlying pool-based (WFL_NUM_PYTHON_SUBPROCESSES) parallelization.

Note that by default the remote job will set


If this needs to be overridden, set the env_vars parameter of the RemoteInfo object


The remote running framework can be tested with pytest. To enable these pass the --runremote to pytest. In addition, since some queuing systems require that jobs be submitted from a globally available directory, the flag --basetemp $HOME/some_path must be passed.

The user must provide configuration information about their queueing system. By default, all tests that actually require a remote running system will run on every system defined in $HOME/.expyre/config.json. The EXPYRE_PYTEST_SYSTEMS can define a regexp that is used to filter those.

Optional env vars:

  • EXPYRE_PYTEST_SYSTEMS: regexp to filter systems in $HOME/.expyre/config.json that will be used for testing.

  • WFL_PYTEST_EXPYRE_INFO: dict of fields to add to RemoteInfo object when doing high level (autoparallelize, gap_fit) remote run tests.

Pytest with remote run example#

Running a maximally complete set of tests with somehwat verbose output (also need pw.x in path):

> env EXPYRE_PYTEST_SYSTEMS='(local_sys|remote_sys)' \
      WFL_PYTEST_BUILDCELL=path_to_buildcell  \
      VASP_COMMAND=path_to_vasp VASP_COMMAND_GAMMA=path_to_vasp_gamma PYTEST_VASP_POTCAR_DIR=path_to_potcars \
      ASE_ORCA_COMMAND=path_to_orca \
      pytest -s --basetemp $HOME/pytest --runremote --runslow -rxXs